Macro Code Help


Board Regular
Dec 15, 2015
I am trying to set my macro file to remove formats from columns that have spaces in them (See CRMCleanup) I tried just adding a Call CRMCleanup piece of code to my UpdateHeadersCRM code but I keep getting an error saying the sheet is still protected. I need to cleanup or merge my code for the CRMCleanup code into the UpdateHeadersCRM code. Any ideas?

Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)    UpdateHeadersAspirational wb.Sheets("Apsirational") 'The template files have the tab "Aspirational" mispelled as "Apsirational"
    UpdateHeadersCRM wb.Sheets("CRM")

End Sub

Sub ProcessFiles()Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Filename As String, Pathname As String

    Pathname = "C:\Users\c755748\Desktop\TEST2\" 'This is the file path the templates need saved to in order for the macro to clean the file formats up in prep for the database
    Filename = Dir(Pathname & "*.xlsx")

    Do While Filename <> ""
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Pathname & Filename)
        DoWork wb
        wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
        Filename = Dir()

End Sub

Sub UpdateHeadersCRM(ws As Worksheet)

    With ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook
        .Range("A1:W3").Delete Shift:=xlUp 'Need to adjust range if a new column is added or removed
        'Re-names row 1 with the column names for the database. Update these fields if a new column is added or removed.
        .Range("A1").Value = "WGTD_SLS_CAL_AMT"
        .Range("B1").Value = "EST_RVNU_AMT"
        .Range("C1").Value = "EST_BPS_AMT"
        .Range("D1").Value = "WT_PRC"
        .Range("E1").Value = "AVG_BPS_AMT"
        .Range("F1").Value = "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM"
        .Range("G1").Value = "OPTY_NMBR"
        .Range("H1").Value = "CO_NM"
        .Range("I1").Value = "CNSLT_NM"
        .Range("J1").Value = "PRMY_PRDCT_NM"
        .Range("K1").Value = "BTQ_PRMY_PRDCT_TYP_NM"
        .Range("L1").Value = "INV_VHCL_2_NM"
        .Range("M1").Value = "PLNE_STP_NM"
        .Range("N1").Value = "RNKG_TYP_NM"
        .Range("O1").Value = "CRNCY_NM"
        .Range("P1").Value = "EST_MNDT_AMT"
        .Range("Q1").Value = "EST_MNDT_USD_AMT"
        .Range("R1").Value = "EST_DCSN_DT"
        .Range("S1").Value = "TM_MBR_NM"
        .Range("T1").Value = "RGN_4_NM"
        .Range("U1").Value = "OPTY_TYP_NM"
        .Range("V1").Value = "MOD_DT"
        .Range("W1").Value = "STAT_UPDT_TXT"

      Call CRMCleanup
    End With
End Sub

Sub CRMCleanup() 'Need to adjust range if a new column is added or removed. This is needed in order to cleanup excess blank columns    
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
End Sub
Error reads: Run-time error '13'
Type mismatch

Debug shows the following line in red. I verified the tab in the file is labeled "CRM" so it is not a naming issue with the worksheet.

Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)    UpdateHeadersAspirational wb.Sheets("Apsirational") 'The template files have the tab "Aspirational" mispelled as "Apsirational"
[COLOR=#ff0000]    UpdateHeadersCRM wb.Sheets("CRM")[/COLOR]

End Sub

What error did you get & what row is highlighted if you click debug?
Also what column can be used to find the last row of data?
Upvote 0
Call UpdateHeadersCRM[COLOR=#ff0000]2[/COLOR](wb.Sheets("CRM"))
Note, I have changed the name of the macro using the array, to avoid an Ambiguous name error.

I still need to know which column can be used to find the last row
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Upvote 0
Column J would be the preferred column to base this off of.
Call UpdateHeadersCRM[COLOR=#ff0000]2[/COLOR](wb.Sheets("CRM"))
Note, I have changed the name of the macro using the array, to avoid an Ambiguous name error.

I still need to know which column can be used to find the last row
Upvote 0
Still get the error even after renaming. Here is the full code that I have in place.

Sub ProcessFiles()Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Filename As String, Pathname As String

    Pathname = "C:\Users\c755748\Desktop\TEST2\" 'This is the file path the templates need saved to in order for the macro to clean the file formats up in prep for the database
    Filename = Dir(Pathname & "*.xlsx")

    Do While Filename <> ""
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Pathname & Filename)
        DoWork wb
        wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
        Filename = Dir()

End Sub

Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)
    UpdateHeadersAspirational wb.Sheets("Apsirational") 'The template files have the tab "Aspirational" mispelled as "Apsirational". This will be eventually fixed in the template files.
    UpdateHeadersCRM2 wb.Sheets("CRM")

End Sub

Sub UpdateHeadersAspirational(Ws As Worksheet)

    With Ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook
        .Range("A1:H6").Delete Shift:=xlUp 'Need to adjust range if a new column is added or removed
        .Columns("A:B").Clear  'Need to delete these calculations since Access will be doing these.
        'Re-names row 1 with the column names for the database. Update these fields if a new column is added or removed.
        .Range("A1").Value = "EST_RVNU_USD_AMT"
        .Range("B1").Value = "EST_AVG_BPS_AMT"
        .Range("C1").Value = "EST_MNDT_USD_AMT"
        .Range("D1").Value = "FCAST_BTQ_NM"
        .Range("E1").Value = "INV_VHCL_NM"
        .Range("F1").Value = "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM"
        .Range("G1").Value = "AVG_BPS"
        .Range("H1").Value = "STAT_UPDT_TXT"
    End With
End Sub

   '.Columns("A:C").Clear  'Need to delete these calculations since Access will be doing these.

Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheets)

    Dim Hdrs() As Variant
    Dim NxtRw As Long
    Dim Cnt As Long
    Hdrs = Array("WGTD_SLS_CAL_AMT", "EST_RVNU_AMT", "EST_BPS_AMT", "WT_PRC" _
            , "AVG_BPS_AMT", "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM", "OPTY_NMBR", "CO_NM", "CNSLT_NM" _
            , "EST_DCSN_DT", "TM_MBR_NM", "RGN_4_NM", "OPTY_TYP_NM", "MOD_DT", "STAT_UPDT_TXT")
    With Ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook

        .Range("A1").Resize(3, CInt(UBound(Hdrs)) + 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
        For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Hdrs)
            .Cells(1, Cnt + 1) = Hdrs(Cnt)
         Next Cnt

        .Columns(UBound(Hdrs) + 2).Resize(, 16383 - UBound(Hdrs)).Clear
        NxtRw = .Cells.Find("*", After:=.Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1).Row
        .Range("A" & NxtRw, "A" & Rows.Count).Clear

    End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
In that case use this in either macro
        NxtRw = .Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Upvote 0
Got it. this
Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheets)
Should be
Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheet)
So the whole sub is now
Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheet)

    Dim Hdrs() As Variant
    Dim NxtRw As Long
    Dim NxtCol As Long
    Dim Cnt As Long
    Hdrs = Array("WGTD_SLS_CAL_AMT", "EST_RVNU_AMT", "EST_BPS_AMT", "WT_PRC" _
            , "AVG_BPS_AMT", "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM", "OPTY_NMBR", "CO_NM", "CNSLT_NM" _
            , "EST_DCSN_DT", "TM_MBR_NM", "RGN_4_NM", "OPTY_TYP_NM", "MOD_DT", "STAT_UPDT_TXT")
    With Ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook

        .Range("A1").Resize(3, CInt(UBound(Hdrs)) + 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
        For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Hdrs)
            .Cells(1, Cnt + 1) = Hdrs(Cnt)
         Next Cnt

        NxtCol = .Columns(Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1).Column
        .Columns(NxtCol).Resize(, Columns.Count - NxtCol + 1).Clear
        NxtRw = .Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        .Range("A" & NxtRw, "A" & Rows.Count).Clear

    End With
End Sub
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Upvote 0
Still getting the same error.

Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)    UpdateHeadersAspirational wb.Sheets("Apsirational") 'The template files have the tab "Aspirational" mispelled as "Apsirational". This will be eventually fixed in the template files.
    UpdateHeadersCRM2 wb.Sheets("CRM")

End Sub

Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheets)

    Dim Hdrs() As Variant
    Dim NxtRw As Long
    Dim Cnt As Long
    Hdrs = Array("WGTD_SLS_CAL_AMT", "EST_RVNU_AMT", "EST_BPS_AMT", "WT_PRC" _
            , "AVG_BPS_AMT", "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM", "OPTY_NMBR", "CO_NM", "CNSLT_NM" _
            , "EST_DCSN_DT", "TM_MBR_NM", "RGN_4_NM", "OPTY_TYP_NM", "MOD_DT", "STAT_UPDT_TXT")
    With Ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook

        .Range("A1").Resize(3, CInt(UBound(Hdrs)) + 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
        For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Hdrs)
            .Cells(1, Cnt + 1) = Hdrs(Cnt)
         Next Cnt

        .Columns(UBound(Hdrs) + 2).Resize(, 16383 - UBound(Hdrs)).Clear
        NxtRw = .Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        'NxtRw = .Cells.Find("*", After:=.Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1).Row
        .Range("A" & NxtRw, "A" & Rows.Count).Clear

    End With
End Sub

In that case use this in either macro
        NxtRw = .Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Upvote 0
Figured it out!!! There should not be an "s" on the worksheet.

Your code: Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheets)
Working Code: Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheet)

Still getting the same error.

Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)    UpdateHeadersAspirational wb.Sheets("Apsirational") 'The template files have the tab "Aspirational" mispelled as "Apsirational". This will be eventually fixed in the template files.
    UpdateHeadersCRM2 wb.Sheets("CRM")

End Sub

Sub UpdateHeadersCRM2(Ws As Worksheets)

    Dim Hdrs() As Variant
    Dim NxtRw As Long
    Dim Cnt As Long
    Hdrs = Array("WGTD_SLS_CAL_AMT", "EST_RVNU_AMT", "EST_BPS_AMT", "WT_PRC" _
            , "AVG_BPS_AMT", "EST_FDNG_QTR_NM", "OPTY_NMBR", "CO_NM", "CNSLT_NM" _
            , "EST_DCSN_DT", "TM_MBR_NM", "RGN_4_NM", "OPTY_TYP_NM", "MOD_DT", "STAT_UPDT_TXT")
    With Ws
        .Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        .Unprotect 'Unprotects the workbook

        .Range("A1").Resize(3, CInt(UBound(Hdrs)) + 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
        For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Hdrs)
            .Cells(1, Cnt + 1) = Hdrs(Cnt)
         Next Cnt

        .Columns(UBound(Hdrs) + 2).Resize(, 16383 - UBound(Hdrs)).Clear
        NxtRw = .Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        'NxtRw = .Cells.Find("*", After:=.Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Offset(1).Row
        .Range("A" & NxtRw, "A" & Rows.Count).Clear

    End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
Even though I got the macro to run successfully, it still is not clearing all on the rows below the last cell with data in column J. Is it possible for the macro to select the next row after the last data was entered and then select the range all the way to the bottom of the workbook, then clear? It seems like the loop is not working as intended.
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If you select J1 & do Ctrl + down arrow does that take you to the last row of data?
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