Hi all
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I'm glad you are dicussing the Evaluate method with array functions. I think it's a very powerful method and it's much less used that it should. Not many people use it sistematically, unless to refer to a range with the shorhand [A1], or to assign a range to an array but not understanding well its mechanics.
I've used it a lot and here are some ideas that I'd please ask you to criticise.
Gene's question is important. When does Evaluate calculate the expression as an array formula?
In the definition of Evaluate we see that Evaluate accepts directly a range, that's what allows us to do vArray=Range("A1:A5"), Evaluate converts the range to an array and then returns the result as an array. If, however, we use a function in the expression, Evaluate does not control what happens inside the function.
So it works if the function is a native array function (sumproduct, transpose, the matrix functions, etc.), and it doesn't, like in Richard's Upper(), for the other functions.
Knowing this, if we want to use Evaluate to calculate a formula as an array formula we must force the generation of an array.
The way I found to do it is to use an extra dummy range (or 2, in case of array formulas with rectangular ranges) outside the functions.
What happens is that Evaluate sees the range and converts it to an array, forcing the calculation of the other functions one cell at a time.
I'll use the Upper example:
All A1:A4 will have UPPER(A1)
Now let's try:
Range("A1:A4") = Evaluate("if(row(1:4),upper(A1:A4))")
This time it works. the row(1:4) is dummy, it's always >0 and so the IF will consider it as true. However, the presence of row(1:4) outside the function upper() forces Evaluate to create the array {1,2,3,4} and to return an array of 4 values, calculating the upper function with each of the cells in A1:A4.
Generally, for a vertical vector like
Set rRng = Range("A1:A10")
This one liner converts it to uppercase
rRng = Evaluate("if(row(1:" & rRng.Count & "),upper(" & rRng.Address & "))")
We can use this to do a lot of things, For ex. we can initialise an array with iArray=[{1,2,3}], using a constant array.
We can also use Evaluate for a dinamic initialisation, like "Create and initialise an array with 10 positions initialised with 10.0-10.9 (start 10.0 and step 0.1)":
iArray = [transpose(10+(-1+row(1:10))/10)]
There's the Sumproduct Worksheetfunction (never seen it used in vba). Although we could use directly [SumProduct(--)...] if we want to use the Sumproduct Worksheetfunction, for example SumProduct(--(rRng1=3),rRng2)
Set rRng1 = Range("E1:E5")
Set rRng2 = Range("F1:F5")
dSumProduct = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(Evaluate("--(" & rRng1.Address & "=3)"), rRng2)
Until now I've only used a vector, but we can use it with a rectangular range. We just have to use 2 orthogonal vectors, either a row() and a column() or a row and a transpose(row()).
Example, we want an matrix 6x8 initialised with 1s ( a unit matrix)
iMatrix = [if(row(1:6),if(transpose(row(1:8)),1))]
This was a very simple example. A more interesting (and practical) example is a one liner you can use to look at the visible symbols of a font (codes 32 to 255).
This one liner fills A1:N32 with
- in the odd columns the code numbers, 32 in each column
- in the even columns the respective character
Please try:
Range("A1:N32") = Evaluate("IF(ROW(1:32),IF(MOD(TRANSPOSE(ROW(1:14)),2),ROW(1:32) -1+ 32*(TRANSPOSE(ROW(1:14))+1)/2,char(ROW(1:32) -1+ 32*TRANSPOSE(ROW(1:14))/2)))")
Well, these were some things I wanted to share about Evaluate. I've never seen most of this anywhere else and so, if anyone got this far, please comment. There may be errors and I'd like to correct them.
I hope this helps the discussion.