I am trying to apply the Map function I found out recently in the below describe situation but it does not work..
if someone could help me. Thank you
here is my formula in A5 (part of the array D5, in column E are the product code list and in F the quantity) :
I would like for each product code in my list get the name of the tier for which the qty matches the range of the tier.
I expect it is clear enough...
Let me know your proposal and potential explanation why my formula does not work
Thank you
I am trying to apply the Map function I found out recently in the below describe situation but it does not work..
if someone could help me. Thank you
here is my formula in A5 (part of the array D5, in column E are the product code list and in F the quantity) :
I would like for each product code in my list get the name of the tier for which the qty matches the range of the tier.
I expect it is clear enough...
Let me know your proposal and potential explanation why my formula does not work

Thank you