I need to find a formula to help with the following.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
If i loan money in the following manner and if the loan amount of loan one is a variable amount, as is the interest and the laon period, how can i calculate the value of my investment ? over any period of time, such as its value in 6, 12, 18, 24 months or longer if desired.<o
If i ONLY loan €100.00 to a client over 10 weeks at an interest rate of 10%, the client will make a weekly payment of €11.00.<o
On week no 2 i will receive €11 from client number 1, which i will lend to client number 2 at the same rate of interest and for the same period of time. This client will make a weekly payment of €1.21.<o
On week no 3 i will receive a payment from client 1 of €11.00 and a payment from client 2 of €1.21, totalling €12.21. This will be loaned to client number 3 at the same rate and time period as the above other clients and the client will make a weekly payment of €1.34.<o
This will continue over an unspecified period of loans, clients and time.<o


If i loan money in the following manner and if the loan amount of loan one is a variable amount, as is the interest and the laon period, how can i calculate the value of my investment ? over any period of time, such as its value in 6, 12, 18, 24 months or longer if desired.<o




If i ONLY loan €100.00 to a client over 10 weeks at an interest rate of 10%, the client will make a weekly payment of €11.00.<o


On week no 2 i will receive €11 from client number 1, which i will lend to client number 2 at the same rate of interest and for the same period of time. This client will make a weekly payment of €1.21.<o


On week no 3 i will receive a payment from client 1 of €11.00 and a payment from client 2 of €1.21, totalling €12.21. This will be loaned to client number 3 at the same rate and time period as the above other clients and the client will make a weekly payment of €1.34.<o


This will continue over an unspecified period of loans, clients and time.<o

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