Greetings Mr. Excel Forum World,
I come here today with a rather odd, and possibly complicated request. I am a rather nerdy individual who is attempting to make a Dragonball Z based RPG, using Excel as the 'conduit' for the game. I used to play in a game a while ago that had a great system, based in Excel, but a GM (game master) that I didn't really see eye to eye with. I'm now trying to essentially make a system kind of like his, just with my own take/twist on it. The issue? I'm pretty newbish at excel and I don't really know what I'm doing yet. I can do basic spread sheet stuff and really basic formulas, (adding and subtracting basic columns and such, but not much beyond that.) but not much else.
Now, this guys system was absurdly complicated, and I don't want to clone it, but I want to figure out the basics of how he did it and how to do it myself. (I've been watching tutorial videos on excel and I'm not quite finding what I'm looking for so far.) The thing is, the system links a lot of numbers together for different formula, and I just don't know how to do that yet. To explain the basics, the character will have stats, like strength, that determine damage. There are also different attack types, like punch, uppercut, elbow, kick, etc. Those values do damage directly linked to the strength score, but I don't know how to link the strength score to the corresponding values AT ALL. So, to try and explain this a bit clearer, Punch will be the 'base damage,' that everything else is based on, (elbow and kick and uppercut I want to do things like "damage +10%, -1 to hit" or some such) and the damage should be based on the strength score, but I don't know how to make the values match up. Say I want the punch damage to be "2x strength score" so the uppercut would be "2x strength +10%" for example, I don't know how to do any of that. The guy whose system I'm attempting to rip off did all this on its own, and I don't want it to be that complicated, I am fine with doing some of the math/stuff on my own, I just don't know how to make formula and such to make that work. I'm really wanting to make a good system here, and the guy I'm trying to copy had it all in Excel, so I want to do it that way as well. I could make this in a pen and paper way, it would just be so much math that it would be impractical for me to do it in a timely matter for a game to work well, so figuring out how to make something work out like that would be great.
Thanks in advance for any help, I understand I'm asking a rather hard and complicated question.
I come here today with a rather odd, and possibly complicated request. I am a rather nerdy individual who is attempting to make a Dragonball Z based RPG, using Excel as the 'conduit' for the game. I used to play in a game a while ago that had a great system, based in Excel, but a GM (game master) that I didn't really see eye to eye with. I'm now trying to essentially make a system kind of like his, just with my own take/twist on it. The issue? I'm pretty newbish at excel and I don't really know what I'm doing yet. I can do basic spread sheet stuff and really basic formulas, (adding and subtracting basic columns and such, but not much beyond that.) but not much else.
Now, this guys system was absurdly complicated, and I don't want to clone it, but I want to figure out the basics of how he did it and how to do it myself. (I've been watching tutorial videos on excel and I'm not quite finding what I'm looking for so far.) The thing is, the system links a lot of numbers together for different formula, and I just don't know how to do that yet. To explain the basics, the character will have stats, like strength, that determine damage. There are also different attack types, like punch, uppercut, elbow, kick, etc. Those values do damage directly linked to the strength score, but I don't know how to link the strength score to the corresponding values AT ALL. So, to try and explain this a bit clearer, Punch will be the 'base damage,' that everything else is based on, (elbow and kick and uppercut I want to do things like "damage +10%, -1 to hit" or some such) and the damage should be based on the strength score, but I don't know how to make the values match up. Say I want the punch damage to be "2x strength score" so the uppercut would be "2x strength +10%" for example, I don't know how to do any of that. The guy whose system I'm attempting to rip off did all this on its own, and I don't want it to be that complicated, I am fine with doing some of the math/stuff on my own, I just don't know how to make formula and such to make that work. I'm really wanting to make a good system here, and the guy I'm trying to copy had it all in Excel, so I want to do it that way as well. I could make this in a pen and paper way, it would just be so much math that it would be impractical for me to do it in a timely matter for a game to work well, so figuring out how to make something work out like that would be great.
Thanks in advance for any help, I understand I'm asking a rather hard and complicated question.