On 2002-07-12 06:54, Von Pookie wrote:
Oh, lighten up. Besides, it's kind of a "mascot" as well as a logo.
A.) Lots of businesses have mascots that they name. 7up had their little dot guy, "Dot." Just about every sports team has some sort of mascot that has a name.
2.) It's fun.
Coincidentally, I just managed to remind myself that I've got a HUGE stuffed version of that 7up thing. Wearing a Santa hat. I think he's still at my parent's house, but I won him in some drawing at the grocery store years ago. I was like 8 or 10 or something like that.
At any rate, maybe Celie?
On 2002-07-12 07:04, Cum Dubio wrote:
I thought dpsl's comment was quite humorous - perhaps you should "lighten up".
The naming of inanimate objects does provide for some interesting possibilities.
For instance, if I were to name my notepad "Fanny" and my pencil "****", I could say that I can write on my Fanny with my ****.
On 2002-07-12 07:51, Von Pookie wrote:
I'm not going completely down to that level. Maybe later :wink:
For instance, if I were to name my notepad "Fanny" and my pencil "****",
On 2002-07-12 04:19, AJ wrote:
Sorry to be yet another to rain on the "Bubba" parade but in the UK at the moment that would be right out.
Bubba is the nickname of Jade from the Big Brother house (for those that don't know it's a TV show where people live their life in front of the cameras for a few weeks).
Jade is quite possibly the most stupid cow on the planet, as the excerpts from conversations with the other housemates below prove...
Jade thinks peacocks see out of their feathers ...
Jade has amazed the other housemates by telling them she thought peacocks had eyes in their feathers.
They had been talking about pets when she made her latest gaffe.
Alex and PJ were even more flabbergasted than usual at Jade's precarious grasp of reality.
She said: "You see those things, don't think I'm being daft, but them things that look like eyes, are they their real eyes?"
PJ and Alex soon realised she meant the "eyes" in the birds' colourful feathers.
PJ said: "Jade, come on, I know you're a bit dizzy but..."
Alex was more blunt, saying: "How can a f*****g peacock have eyes in their f*****g feathers?"
They explained some creatures had markings that looked like eyes to protect them from predators.
But Jade just said: "Imagine having eyes up your bum!"
Jade's previous howlers include thinking Cambridge was in London, East Anglia was a foreign country and Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Morse were real people.
Edit: Sorry - just realised her nickname is Babba, not Bubba. Doh! (feeling as thick as she is now!). It's probably still too close an association though!
This message was edited by AJ on 2002-07-12 04:20
AJ.... I don't think Big Brother will *ever* beat the other day when she sat there drunk as a skunk on the sofa, naked, giggling
what a sight...
dear me...!
"East Angular ? That's in Africa isn't it ?"