Wow, this is amazing and better than ever! Thank you so much for the extra work to take care of 'paste special' as well

As far as I could see, 'paste special' is working fine.
So far, I only found two bugs below, and I'm gonna use the shorthand OMR for "outside monitored ranges":
1) (same as yesterday's code)
regular pasting of one or more vertically selected cells from either E3:G42, M17:M36, or OMR
into M17:M36
this shoots to:
If .MergeCells Then .UnMerge '
where UnMerge is highlightd
2) (a potentially new bug, or maybe I didn't test the below situations before) certain
undo (Control+Z) actions:
a) deleting more than one
vertically selected cells in E3:G42, and then hitting Control+Z
b) deleting one or more cells in M17:M36, and then hitting Control+Z
c) editing one cell in M17:M36, and then hitting Control+Z
these shoot to:
If .CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").List(1) <> "Auto Fill" And _
.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Target) = 0 Then Exit Sub '
d) deleting more than one
horizontally selected cells in E3:G42, and then hitting Control+Z
this shoots to:
Range(SelectionAddressArray(0) & ":" & EndDragColumnLetter & _
ActiveCell.Row).AutoFill Destination:=Range(SelectionAddressArray(0) & _
":" & SelectionAddressArray(1)), Type:=xlFillValues '