Hi All
Well I've searched everywhere without getting a useful answer.
I am about to Connect to Wireless at home......I've never had the Net before 'cause I have it at work.
What I'm trying to find out is what sort of download usage some of you have.
My provider tells me I need a 5Gb plan, my friends tell me 2Gb.
Please give me some clues as to what I might be up for !!
The Criteria per month:
1. No Movies or Books
2. A couple of CD's
3. About twice a day to Mr Excel
4. about 2 hrs a day surfing and looking at holiday sites, car sites, etc.
5. Check E-Mail about twice a day and reply.
Geez, now I've made a list, maybe I don't need the Net.
I'd appreciate any input !!
Michael M