I am trying to develop a worksheet for cumulative term deposits. I seek a few clarifications, in the context of Indian banks
a. Mostly, the banks show "accumulated interest till date" on their inquiry screens. How is this computed as the rate is per annum and compounding is quarterly.
b. Banks also accept cumulative deposits for incomplete quarters too, like 400 days, 333 days etc. how is interest calculated for broken periods
c. Is interest compounded 3 months from date of deposit or at calendar quarters? if a deposit is opened on say 12th May is compounding done on 12/8, 12/11 etc or 30/6, 30/9 etc.
d. Tax is deducted at source on every 31/3 for the interest earned during the Financial Year. What do they do to the broken period if interest gets compounded at quarterly rests from date of
e. For premature closures, a lower rate is applied for the entire period the deposit is run. How is TDS done in the earlier years at a higher rate adjusted when a lower rate of interest is being