I thought it might be nice to write a function in VBA that would evaluate a definite integral, given a string that represents y as a function of x and the lower and upper limit. Here's what I came up with:
Function INTEG(exp As String, min As Double, max As Double)
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Integer
Dim range As Double
Dim exparray(5000) As Double
Dim dx As Double
range = max - min
dx = range / 5000
t = min
x = 0
Do Until x = 5000
exparray(x) = Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t))) * dx + 0.5 * dx * Abs(Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t + dx))) - Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t))))
t = t + dx
x = x + 1
INTEG = WorksheetFunction.Sum(exparray)
End Function
It works pretty well so far - it uses the trapezoid rule so it's pretty accurate.
And it works with most integrated excel functions.
For example: =INTEG("x^2+3*x+ln(x)",1,9) in a cell gives a value of 374.4416911.
I just thought I'd share that with anyone who might be able to use it.
Also, one problem I'm having with it is that any cell or function in the expression string that has the character "x" in it gives me an error. The reason this happens is that I used the replace function, and any time there is an x present it is replaced with the value that I wanted it to be evaluated at. The biggest issue here is that I can't use the EXP() function.
If anyone has any ideas about how to make this more eleagant, or to deal with the "x" issue, I'd really appreciate it. I'm pretty new to VBA so there easily could be a far more computationally efficient way to do this.
I'm using Excel 2010, by the way.
Function INTEG(exp As String, min As Double, max As Double)
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Integer
Dim range As Double
Dim exparray(5000) As Double
Dim dx As Double
range = max - min
dx = range / 5000
t = min
x = 0
Do Until x = 5000
exparray(x) = Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t))) * dx + 0.5 * dx * Abs(Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t + dx))) - Evaluate(Replace(exp, "x", CStr(t))))
t = t + dx
x = x + 1
INTEG = WorksheetFunction.Sum(exparray)
End Function
It works pretty well so far - it uses the trapezoid rule so it's pretty accurate.
And it works with most integrated excel functions.
For example: =INTEG("x^2+3*x+ln(x)",1,9) in a cell gives a value of 374.4416911.
I just thought I'd share that with anyone who might be able to use it.
Also, one problem I'm having with it is that any cell or function in the expression string that has the character "x" in it gives me an error. The reason this happens is that I used the replace function, and any time there is an x present it is replaced with the value that I wanted it to be evaluated at. The biggest issue here is that I can't use the EXP() function.
If anyone has any ideas about how to make this more eleagant, or to deal with the "x" issue, I'd really appreciate it. I'm pretty new to VBA so there easily could be a far more computationally efficient way to do this.
I'm using Excel 2010, by the way.