Hello again,
I'm using code
to add picture in excel, how do I have to change this code that picture appears on range A51:D66??
I'm using code
Dim filters As String
Dim filename As Variant
' Define the file selection filters.
filters = "Image Files,*.bmp;*.tif;*.jpg;*.png,PNG (*.png),*.png,TIFF (*.tif),*.tif,JPG (*.jpg),*.jpg,All Files (*.*),*.*"
' Get the file name.
filename = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
filters, 0, "Select Image", "Take It", False)
If filename = False Then Exit Sub
' Insert the picture.
InsertPicture CStr(filename), Application.Selection
End Sub
' Insert a picture into a cell.
Sub InsertPicture(filename As String, location As Range)
Dim pic As Picture
Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(filename)
pic.Top = location.Top
pic.Left = location.Left
to add picture in excel, how do I have to change this code that picture appears on range A51:D66??