You can use Zack Barresse's Table of Contents generator:
Sub CreateTOC()
****'** Code by Zack Baresse
****If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
********MsgBox "You must have a workbook open first!", vbInformation, "No Open Book"
********Exit Sub
****End If
****With Application
********.ScreenUpdating = False
********.DisplayAlerts = False
********Dim ws As Worksheet, _
************ct As Chart, _
************shtName As String, _
************nrow As Long, _
************tmpCount As Long, _
************i As Long, _
************numCharts As Long
********nrow = 3
********i = 1
********numCharts = ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count
********On Error GoTo hasSheet
********Sheets("Table of Contents").Activate
********If MsgBox("You already have a Table of Contents page.**Would you like to overwrite it?", _
********vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Replace TOC page?") = vbYes Then GoTo createNew
********Exit Sub
****Sheets.Add Before:=Sheets(1)
****GoTo hasNew
****Sheets("Table of Contents").Delete
****GoTo hasSheet
****tmpCount = ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count
****If tmpCount > 0 Then tmpCount = 1
********ActiveSheet.Name = "Table of Contents"
********With Sheets("Table of Contents")
************'.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
****************With .Range("B2")
********************.Value = "Table of Contents"
********************.Font.Bold = True
********************.Font.Name = "Calibri"
********************.Font.Size = "24"
****************End With
********End With
********For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
************nrow = nrow + 1
************With ws
****************shtName = ws.Name
****************With Sheets("Table of Contents")
********************.Range("B" & nrow).Value = nrow - 3
********************.Range("C" & nrow).Hyperlinks.Add _
************************Anchor:=Sheets("Table of Contents").Range("C" & nrow), Address:="#'" & _
************************shtName & "'!A1", TextToDisplay:=shtName
********************.Range("C" & nrow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
****************End With
************End With
********Next ws
********If numCharts <> 0 Then
************For Each ct In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
****************nrow = nrow + 1
****************shtName = ct.Name
****************With Sheets("Table of Contents")
********************.Range("B" & nrow).Value = nrow - 3
********************.Range("C" & nrow).Value = shtName
********************.Range("C" & nrow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
****************End With
************Next ct
********End If
********With Sheets("Table of Contents")
************With .Range("B2:G2")
****************.MergeCells = True
****************.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
************End With
************With .Range("C:C")
************End With
********End With
********.DisplayAlerts = True
********.ScreenUpdating = True
****End With
****MsgBox "Done!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please note: " & _
********"Charts are listed after regular " & vbCrLf & _
********"worksheets and will not have hyperlinks.", vbInformation, "Complete!"
End Sub