I have code that gathers data for new customers. The customer's default price is collected with
This is a price accurate to 3 decimal places. Most commonly, the value is 19.091
Hovering over DefaultPrice in the VBA editor shows the code has indeed collected 19.091 as the value
The value is entered into the customer table with the code
The column being pasted into is formatted to Currency with 3 decimal places, however this cell displays $19.090 after pasting and the formula bar simply 19.09 (2 decimal places)
How can I retain the third decimal place?
Something like
VBA Code:
DefaultPrice = InputBox("Enter DEFAULT PRICE", "New Customer")
Hovering over DefaultPrice in the VBA editor shows the code has indeed collected 19.091 as the value
The value is entered into the customer table with the code
VBA Code:
Sheets("Customers").Cells(LastCustomerRow + 1, 9) = DefaultPrice
How can I retain the third decimal place?
Something like
VBA Code:
Sheets("Customers").Cells(LastCustomerRow + 1, 9) = DefaultPrice.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.000"