I have been trying to use index match for 4 criteria across 1 row and 3 columns. I have tried multiple approaches, but get different errors.
1. =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$3&'Query Sheet'!$D$3&'Query Sheet'!$B$6&'Query Sheet'!$B$8,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - returning value #N/A)
2. =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH(1,('Query Sheet'!$B$3='Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199)*('Query Sheet'!$D$3='Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1)*('Query Sheet'!$B$6='Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2)*($B$8='Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3),0)) (array formula - returning value #N/A)
3. =index('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,match('Query Sheet'!$B$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199,0),match('Query Sheet'!$D$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1,0),match('Query Sheet'!$B$6,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2,0),match('Query Sheet'!D8,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - it gives me an error - you have entered too many arguments for this function)
4. Also tried =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!$D$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$6,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!D8,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - but it gives me an error - #REF!)
I have cross checked if the cells match - in terms of spacing, spelling errors, etc. No issues there. I hope my query is not too confusing - this is my first post here on the forum. Can't quite figure out what is going wrong with the formula.
Thank you so much in advance for you help.
I have been trying to use index match for 4 criteria across 1 row and 3 columns. I have tried multiple approaches, but get different errors.
1. =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$3&'Query Sheet'!$D$3&'Query Sheet'!$B$6&'Query Sheet'!$B$8,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2&'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - returning value #N/A)
2. =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH(1,('Query Sheet'!$B$3='Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199)*('Query Sheet'!$D$3='Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1)*('Query Sheet'!$B$6='Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2)*($B$8='Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3),0)) (array formula - returning value #N/A)
3. =index('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,match('Query Sheet'!$B$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199,0),match('Query Sheet'!$D$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1,0),match('Query Sheet'!$B$6,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2,0),match('Query Sheet'!D8,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - it gives me an error - you have entered too many arguments for this function)
4. Also tried =INDEX('Prices Consolidated'!$D$4:$AM$199,MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$C$4:$C$199,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!$D$3,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$1:$AM$1,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!$B$6,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$2:$AM$2,0)&MATCH('Query Sheet'!D8,'Prices Consolidated'!$D$3:$AM$3,0)) (array formula - but it gives me an error - #REF!)
I have cross checked if the cells match - in terms of spacing, spelling errors, etc. No issues there. I hope my query is not too confusing - this is my first post here on the forum. Can't quite figure out what is going wrong with the formula.
Thank you so much in advance for you help.