Hi, I'm relatively new to excel and have used Index Match to retrieve data from 1 table that matches a certain criteria in order to fill another table.
The problem I am having is that as the amount of data varies dependant on the location inputted by the user excel generates "N/A" for cells where there are no further values that match the criteria.
I have tried using an IFError statement to return "" instead, but because the formula has a clause in it which refers to being > than the above cell it returns the first value again after the first "" cell.
I hope this makes sense to someone, and any help would be appreciated
The problem I am having is that as the amount of data varies dependant on the location inputted by the user excel generates "N/A" for cells where there are no further values that match the criteria.
I have tried using an IFError statement to return "" instead, but because the formula has a clause in it which refers to being > than the above cell it returns the first value again after the first "" cell.
I hope this makes sense to someone, and any help would be appreciated