Finally breaking down and asking for help with the following function/brick wall.
I'm currently using the match function to look up a dollar amount per insulation diameter and thickness. Each different tab is a different type of insulation.
I've always had to hardcode in the "Tab Worksheet Name" to look up a value. I'm working with multiple sheets now and want to be able to take advantage of the drag feature to copy cells. The first function is what I am currently using (and works), but can't seem to get the second to work?
In this particular example, B8 would be the cell that contains the tab name (Type of insulation). C8 and D8 are the Diameter and Thickness used to match up and obtain the price.
=INDEX('Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:$J$44,MATCH(C8,'Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:A$44,0),MATCH(D8,'Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:J$4,0))
=INDEX(INDIRECT("'" & B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$J$44),MATCH(C8,(INDIRECT("'"& B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$A$44)),0),MATCH(D8,(INDIRECT("'" & B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$J$4)),0))
Thank you in advance to anyone that can help,
I'm currently using the match function to look up a dollar amount per insulation diameter and thickness. Each different tab is a different type of insulation.
I've always had to hardcode in the "Tab Worksheet Name" to look up a value. I'm working with multiple sheets now and want to be able to take advantage of the drag feature to copy cells. The first function is what I am currently using (and works), but can't seem to get the second to work?
In this particular example, B8 would be the cell that contains the tab name (Type of insulation). C8 and D8 are the Diameter and Thickness used to match up and obtain the price.
=INDEX('Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:$J$44,MATCH(C8,'Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:A$44,0),MATCH(D8,'Min Wool Pipe Cvr'!$A$4:J$4,0))
=INDEX(INDIRECT("'" & B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$J$44),MATCH(C8,(INDIRECT("'"& B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$A$44)),0),MATCH(D8,(INDIRECT("'" & B8 & "'!" & $A$4:$J$4)),0))
Thank you in advance to anyone that can help,