The code below allows me to insert an image (shape 8 point star) and write the letter "A" on it.
Would it be possible to change the code so that on the second click the letter "A" is replaced by "B" and so on? with the possibility of starting again at "A" if I wish?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Have a nice day
The code below allows me to insert an image (shape 8 point star) and write the letter "A" on it.
Would it be possible to change the code so that on the second click the letter "A" is replaced by "B" and so on? with the possibility of starting again at "A" if I wish?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Have a nice day

Rich (BB code):
Sub Keyence_220424()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShape8pointStar, 400, 400, 28.35, 28.35).Select
Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse
With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 255) 'pink
.Transparency = 0
End With
Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = "A"
With Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).ParagraphFormat
.FirstLineIndent = 0
.Alignment = msoAlignCenter
End With
With Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font
.Size = 14
End With
End Sub