I'm trying to calculate the average for a range of cells [100-500-500,000-DIV/0!]. The answer should be 16,686 because it shouldn't count DIV. I'm using the following formula:
but when #DIV/0! is in one of the cells I get #DIV/0! as my answer. If my range of cells is all numbers [100-500-500,000-1,000]I get the average that I'm looking for. Is there a formula to use so that if I have DIV in my range I get my average not counting the DIV cell and what if I have a 0 instead of DIV. thanks!
but when #DIV/0! is in one of the cells I get #DIV/0! as my answer. If my range of cells is all numbers [100-500-500,000-1,000]I get the average that I'm looking for. Is there a formula to use so that if I have DIV in my range I get my average not counting the DIV cell and what if I have a 0 instead of DIV. thanks!