I am tasked to replicate this module I have posted in another application, and have run into some issues in doing so. Forgive my need to ask an obvious question to some who are more versed in VBA, but in examining the posted module below, I am trying to verify that I am capturing the right concept in what has been coded. (References to Column 26 has been the problem for me)
Example: This is in the actual code below:
Am I interpreting this correctly as depicting this in this fashion?
If [ir,22] = [ir,21] and [ir,24] = "POL and [ir,18] = "Denied", Then (make) [ir,26](to equal) "DEL"
So far, I am not matching the results, which is making me question if I am misinterpreting these If Then statements.
Any insight is greatly appreciated!
I am tasked to replicate this module I have posted in another application, and have run into some issues in doing so. Forgive my need to ask an obvious question to some who are more versed in VBA, but in examining the posted module below, I am trying to verify that I am capturing the right concept in what has been coded. (References to Column 26 has been the problem for me)
Example: This is in the actual code below:
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "POL" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 18) = "Denied" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = "DEL"
Am I interpreting this correctly as depicting this in this fashion?
If [ir,22] = [ir,21] and [ir,24] = "POL and [ir,18] = "Denied", Then (make) [ir,26](to equal) "DEL"
So far, I am not matching the results, which is making me question if I am misinterpreting these If Then statements.
Any insight is greatly appreciated!
Public Sub GetAMyHrEmp() Dim stemp As String
Dim cnstr As String
Dim ir As Integer
Dim EEId As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim JobEffDate As String
Dim FullNameMYHr As String
Dim EmpNameAetna As String
Dim dateE As Date
Dim dateQ As Date
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo ErrChk
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
cnstr = CSVFolder & "\" & CurrentMyHrDaily
Debug.Print cnstr
cn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=" & cnstr
On Error GoTo ErrChk
If cn.State <> adStateOpen Then Exit Sub
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
EEId = ""
ir = 2
Do Until ir > 10000
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 2) = "" Then
Exit Do
End If
EEId = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 2) 'emp id
EmpNameAetna = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 1)
strSQL = "SELECT [Full Name] , [Job Effective date], [Action Reason] FROM [Sheet1$] where [Employee ID] = '" & EEId & "'"
' Debug.Print strSQL
rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
On Error GoTo ErrChk
If rs.State <> adStateOpen Then
Set rn = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
wsSheet.Cells(1, 20) = "MyHr Leave date"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 21) = "Earliest Start"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 22) = "Report Out"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 23) = "Check RTW"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 24) = "Leave Type"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 25) = "MyHr Type"
wsSheet.Cells(1, 26) = "Notes"
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1 'black
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = ""
' wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = "not in MyHr"
Do Until rs.EOF
JobEffDate = rs.Fields.Item("Job Effective date")
' If Bank = 9000 Then Bank = 1
FullNameMYHr = rs.Fields.Item("Full Name")
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = JobEffDate
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 25) = rs.Fields.Item("Action Reason")
' wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = FullNameMYHr
'set col U to earliest of E 'leave Start date' or Q 'std date of dis"
dateE = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 5)
dateQ = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 17) 'std
If Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 17)) <> "" Then
If dateE < dateQ Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) = dateE
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) = dateQ
End If
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) = dateE
End If
'set col V report out
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = "" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21)
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = "New"
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = "DEL"
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21)
End If
'set col W actual return to work
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 12) = "" Then ' L = arw
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 23) = "OK"
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 23) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 12)
End If
'set col X to MyHr leave type code
' D = 4 = Leave type
' I = 9 = Leave Status
If Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 4)) = "Continuous Leave" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Approved" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "STR"
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Pended" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "STR"
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 4) = "TDMAL" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Approved" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "MAL"
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Pended" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "MAL"
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 4) = "TDML" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Approved" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "MIL"
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Pended" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "MIL"
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 4) = "TDPL" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Approved" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "PER"
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Pended" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "PER"
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9) = "Denied" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "POL"
'fix 4/23/2013
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26)) & " CHECK if EE at Work "
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
'fix 4/23/2013
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 21) Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) = "POL" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 18) = "Denied" Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = "DEL"
End If
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 22) = "DEL" Then
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) <> wsSheet.Cells(ir, 25) Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26)) & " Update leave type to " & wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24)
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 9)
End If
If Not (wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = "") Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " Check dates ")
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24) <> wsSheet.Cells(ir, 25) Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " Update leave type to " & wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24))
End If
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " " & wsSheet.Cells(ir, 24))
End If
End If
If wsSheet.Cells(ir, 23) <> "OK" Then
If (wsSheet.Cells(ir, 20) = "") Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " check if already RTW " & wsSheet.Cells(ir, 23)
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " check RTW " & wsSheet.Cells(ir, 23)
End If
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
End If
If Trim(wsSheet.Cells(ir, 17)) <> "" Then
' Debug.Print DateDiff("d", dateQ, dateE)
If Abs(DateDiff("d", dateQ, dateE)) > 4 Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " check LOA and STD dates"
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
End If
End If
If InStr(1, wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26), "Denied") > 0 Then
wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) = wsSheet.Cells(ir, 26) & " Check if needed"
End If
ir = ir + 1
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
' oWB3.Close
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
Exit Sub
MsgBox Trim(EmpId) & ": ERROR GetAMyHrEmp" & Err.Description
' oWB3.Close
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' End
Resume Exit_ErrChk
End Sub