Hi All 
I'm building a timesheet that works around shop workers entering in multiple times throughout the day on multiple work orders.
So I'm accounting for an 8 hour shift that I need to have their 1/2 lunch break automatically deducted from their timesheet.
The issue I'm running into is they can have multiple entries in the morning and afternoon accounting for their time.
So the above example shows that on the 19th he worked on 3 WO. I used this formula: =IF(F3>="4:00",":00",":30") (in the outlined cell)
With the intention that I want to deduct the 1/2 lunch break on any time recorded that is >= 4 hours.
I've done some reading on entering multiple arguments using the IF function (AND -OR) separated by * but I can't get it to work
I would like a formula that supports this argument: Deduct 1/2 on any time that is>= 4.5 and Deduct 0 on anything less than that time.
Any advice is welcome.

I'm building a timesheet that works around shop workers entering in multiple times throughout the day on multiple work orders.
So I'm accounting for an 8 hour shift that I need to have their 1/2 lunch break automatically deducted from their timesheet.
The issue I'm running into is they can have multiple entries in the morning and afternoon accounting for their time.
So the above example shows that on the 19th he worked on 3 WO. I used this formula: =IF(F3>="4:00",":00",":30") (in the outlined cell)
With the intention that I want to deduct the 1/2 lunch break on any time recorded that is >= 4 hours.
I've done some reading on entering multiple arguments using the IF function (AND -OR) separated by * but I can't get it to work
I would like a formula that supports this argument: Deduct 1/2 on any time that is>= 4.5 and Deduct 0 on anything less than that time.
Any advice is welcome.