Mr & Mrs Pearson I am truly saddened by your loss of Chip, and other losses you had already experienced.
I was shocked and saddened when news of Chip's passing reached me.
Chip was a true giant amongst men with an intellect that was astonishing.
As an MVP myself I had the great honour to meet Chip on many occasions in Seattle and sit and talk with him. He was a very modest man who never bragged about his abilities and in fact I recall one day when I commented on his intellect, he said he was nothing compared with his sister, who had already passed.
He was always wiling to help anybody, and the fact that he created such a wonderful web site, full of detailed and extremely helpful knowledge about all aspects of Excel is testament to his generosity.
Thank you Mr and Mrs Pearson for permitting Chip's work to be restored and made available to the millions of Excel users worldwide.
Thank you also to Greg and Bill for all of your efforts in ensuring that this wonderful resource continues to be available.