I will try and explain as best I can.
Commissions are paid at different rates and there is always a minimum commission.
There is one cell in the spreadsheet which shows the % rate at which commissions should be paid.
There is another showing the current commission based on the profit made. If the commission % (say 15% which has a minimum commission of £50) if above £50, then it should stay at the 15% of the profit. But if this is below £50, then it wants to change to £50.00.
After this, I will need to add in a rule for 12.5% - £40.00 etc but the first bit should point me in the right direction.
I had the following attempt and it says #value:
H10 = profit on which the 15% is based.
In this case 15% of H10 is around £40, so it wants to change to £50.00 rather than stay at 15% of H10.
P71 is the cell calculating the commission rate (in this case 15%).
Any ideas?????
I'm a bit new to this!
Commissions are paid at different rates and there is always a minimum commission.
There is one cell in the spreadsheet which shows the % rate at which commissions should be paid.
There is another showing the current commission based on the profit made. If the commission % (say 15% which has a minimum commission of £50) if above £50, then it should stay at the 15% of the profit. But if this is below £50, then it wants to change to £50.00.
After this, I will need to add in a rule for 12.5% - £40.00 etc but the first bit should point me in the right direction.
I had the following attempt and it says #value:
H10 = profit on which the 15% is based.
In this case 15% of H10 is around £40, so it wants to change to £50.00 rather than stay at 15% of H10.
P71 is the cell calculating the commission rate (in this case 15%).
Any ideas?????
I'm a bit new to this!