The "Hall of Fame" was intended to be a sort of FAQ type forum that incorporated the "best" solutions (by consensus) on common questions. This has sadly been neglected.
The consensus at the time this thread was initiated was that determining if a problem has been "solved" is a rather arbitrary condition. e.g. if someone wanted to sum all of the values in cells A1:A10, putting in a formula like:
is a solution, but isn't really as good as
However, if I know nothing about Excel and get the first answer, I would say "Thanks" then state that the problem had been resolved. This could lead to complacency when viewing threads and the "better" solution may never be received. e.g. certain members of this board actually do read just about every post every day. Why should they bother to read or respond to posts that have been marked as solved? Typically, these might be the people that you really do want to read your post and provide an optimal solution. e.g. you don't want a dummy like me posting a solution to a formula question, because I'll give you something that works, but is probably really crap.
The whole issue of marking a thread with "notsolved" or "solved" to overcome this "deficiency" in the board is actually seen as being rude or bad netiquette by many a user. Mainly because the premise of this board is that it is a volunteer service. 99.9% Problems will almost certainly be resolved, but by having a dirty big "NOTSOLVED" in the topic, seems rather presumtious that you are going to get a solution, no matter how impossible the task or how vague the question. Eventually, you would end up wallowing in a sea of "NOTSOLVED"'s which would pretty much defeat the purpose, especially as some users give no feedback as to whether or not a proposed solution has worked. If they can't go back and post a "That worked, thanks" then are they really going to take the time to edit their thread topic?
Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the matter, plus a little bit of previous discussions. The "zero posts" option on the last board was also intended to alleviate the problem of solving all problems and I believe it was quite effective. However, like many fixes from the previous board, it is going to take time and effort to apply those fixes. e.g. Juan Pablo G. managed to fix the font size problem we were having. That is just on of many problems and he is volunteering his services on these issues even though he probably doesn't have extensive phpBB code experience.