Hi guys, I know this is a bit old but hopefully this helps someone out. I created an addin 4 years ago to do this very thing using a rectangle shape that the user can drag over a chart and it would zoom in on the area. It works for scattertype charts and works on any number of series. You can zoom in as much as you want and unzoom all the way back to the initial level. Also has an autofit button. I developed it for Excel 2003 and in 2003 and 2000 it creates icons on the right click subcontext menu but in 2007 and above that was taken out. I also had it create its own toolbar but that was also taken out in 2007 and up. In those versions, the icons are on the add-ins tab on the ribbon. It is somewhat glitchy in 2007 and above but it still works for me ok.
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B47SRKT3rzujQUlkaWhMOWFRUlk - 2003 version
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B47SRKT3rzujaGw3WE9PWkZmU3M - 2007 and up version
I'm trying to find a better place to host the files. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. And feel free to mod the code to fit your needs just give me credit if you distribute it.
'Chart Zoom tool version 2.1
'Date: April 25, 2011
'Author: Jason Vint
Public lastXSettings() As Variant
Public lastYSettings() As Variant
Public lastY2Settings() As Variant
Public zoomCount As Integer
Public activeChartName As String
Public strangeChart As Boolean
Public Const xlDualAxis = -4111
Sub removeToolbar()
Dim menu As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To 3
Select Case i
Case 1
menuName = "Chart"
Case 2
menuName = "Chart Menu Bar" '"Plot Area"
Case 3
menuName = "Object/Plot"
End Select
Set menu = Application.CommandBars(menuName)
menu.Controls("Chart Zoom").Delete
menu.Controls("Undo Zoom").Delete
End Sub
Sub addToolbar()
Dim NewItem1 As CommandBar
Dim menu As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set NewItem1 = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="ChartZoom", Position:=msoBarTop, Temporary:=True)
NewItem1.Visible = True
menuName = "Chart Menu Bar" '"Plot Area"
Set menu = Application.CommandBars(menuName)
Set NewItem2 = menu.Controls.Add
With NewItem2
.Caption = "Chart Zoom"
.FaceId = 25
'.Picture = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ImageList1.ListImages(1).Picture
.OnAction = "zoom"
.BeginGroup = True
End With
Set NewItem3 = menu.Controls.Add
With NewItem3
.Caption = "AutoFit"
.FaceId = 202
.OnAction = "AutoFit"
.BeginGroup = False
End With
Set NewItem4 = menu.Controls.Add
With NewItem4
.Caption = "Undo Zoom"
.FaceId = 37
.OnAction = "UndoZoom"
.BeginGroup = False
End With
Application.CommandBars("ChartZoom").Visible = False
End Sub
Sub zoom()
Dim temp As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error Resume Next
shapeCount = ActiveChart.Shapes.Count
shtShapeCount = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
If Err Then
MsgBox "Please select a chart first.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "No chart selected"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'temp = (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis)
If Not (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis) Then
MsgBox "The zoom tool can only be used on XY (Scatter) type plots.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Wrong Chart Type."
Exit Sub
End If
strangeChart = False
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
On Error Resume Next
YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale
If Err Then
strangeChart = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If activeChartName <> "" And activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name Then
ReDim Preserve lastXSettings(9, zoomCount)
ReDim Preserve lastYSettings(9, zoomCount)
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
ReDim Preserve lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount)
End If
zoomCount = 0
ReDim lastXSettings(9, zoomCount)
ReDim lastYSettings(9, zoomCount)
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
ReDim lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount)
End If
End If
activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name
CommandBars("Basic Shapes").Controls("&Rectangle").Execute
'On Error Resume Next
Loop Until ActiveChart.Shapes.Count = shapeCount + 1
If Err Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes(shtShapeCount + 1).Delete
CommandBars("ChartZoom").Controls("Chart Zoom").State = msoButtonUp
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
zoomTop = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Top
zoomLeft = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Left
zoomHeight = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Height
zoomWidth = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Width
plotTop = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideTop
plotLeft = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideLeft
plotHeight = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideHeight
plotWidth = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideWidth
XMin = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale
XMax = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale
YMin = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale
YMax = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale
newXMin = XMin + (XMax - XMin) * (zoomLeft - plotLeft) / plotWidth
newXMax = XMin + (XMax - XMin) * (zoomWidth + zoomLeft - plotLeft) / plotWidth
newYMax = YMax - (YMax - YMin) * (zoomTop - plotTop) / plotHeight
newYMin = YMax - (YMax - YMin) * (zoomTop - plotTop + zoomHeight) / plotHeight
magXmin = Abs(newXMin - Round(newXMin, 0)) / (newXMax - newXMin)
magXmax = Abs(newXMax - Round(newXMax, 0)) / (newXMax - newXMin)
magYmin = Abs(newYMin - Round(newYMin, 0)) / (newYMax - newYMin)
magYmax = Abs(newYMax - Round(newYMax, 0)) / (newYMax - newYMin)
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then
YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale
YMax2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MaximumScale
newYMax2 = YMax2 - (YMax2 - YMin2) * (zoomTop - plotTop) / plotHeight
newYMin2 = YMax2 - (YMax2 - YMin2) * (zoomTop - plotTop + zoomHeight) / plotHeight
magYmin2 = Abs(newYMin2 - Round(newYMin2, 0)) / (newYMax2 - newYMin2)
magYmax2 = Abs(newYMax2 - Round(newYMax2, 0)) / (newYMax2 - newYMin2)
End If
msg = "Zoom Box info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Top: " & vbTab & zoomTop & vbCrLf & _
"Left: " & vbTab & zoomLeft & vbCrLf & _
"Height: " & vbTab & zoomHeight & vbCrLf & _
"Width: " & vbTab & zoomWidth & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Plot area info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Top: " & vbTab & plotTop & vbCrLf & _
"Left: " & vbTab & plotLeft & vbCrLf & _
"Height: " & vbTab & plotHeight & vbCrLf & _
"Width: " & vbTab & plotWidth & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Scale info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"XMin: " & vbTab & XMin & vbCrLf & _
"XMax: " & vbTab & XMax & vbCrLf & _
"YMin: " & vbTab & YMin & vbCrLf & _
"YMax: " & vbTab & YMax & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"New X Min: " & vbTab & newXMin & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"New X Max: " & vbTab & newXMax & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"New Y Min: " & vbTab & newYMin & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"New Y Max: " & vbTab & newYMax
'MsgBox msg
ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
lastYSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastYSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastYSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastYSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastYSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastYSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastYSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastYSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastYSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScale = newYMin
.MaximumScale = newYMax
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0")
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
lastXSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastXSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastXSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastXSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastXSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastXSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastXSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastXSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastXSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScale = newXMin
.MaximumScale = newXMax
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magXmin), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0")
End With
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScale = newYMin2
.MaximumScale = newYMax2
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin2), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0")
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
zoomCount = zoomCount + 1
'MsgBox msg
End Sub
Sub AutoFit()
On Error Resume Next
shapeCount = ActiveChart.Shapes.Count
If Err Then
MsgBox "Please select a chart first.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "No chart selected"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If Not (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis) Then
MsgBox "The zoom tool can only be used on XY (Scatter) type plots.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Wrong Chart Type."
Exit Sub
End If
strangeChart = False
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
On Error Resume Next
YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale
If Err Then
strangeChart = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If activeChartName <> "" And activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name Then
ReDim Preserve lastXSettings(9, zoomCount)
ReDim Preserve lastYSettings(9, zoomCount)
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
ReDim Preserve lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount)
End If
zoomCount = 0
ReDim lastXSettings(9, zoomCount)
ReDim lastYSettings(9, zoomCount)
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then
ReDim lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount)
End If
End If
activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
lastYSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastYSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastYSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastYSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastYSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastYSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastYSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastYSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastYSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00"
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
lastXSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastXSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastXSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastXSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastXSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastXSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastXSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastXSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastXSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00"
End With
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale
lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale
lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto
lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto
lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses
lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder
lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType
lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit
lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin2), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0")
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
zoomCount = zoomCount + 1
End Sub
Sub UndoZoom()
On Error Resume Next
If zoomCount = 0 Or ActiveChart.Name <> activeChartName Then Exit Sub
zoomCount = zoomCount - 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = lastYSettings(0, zoomCount)
.MaximumScale = lastYSettings(1, zoomCount)
.MinorUnitIsAuto = lastYSettings(2, zoomCount)
.MajorUnitIsAuto = lastYSettings(3, zoomCount)
.Crosses = lastYSettings(4, zoomCount)
.ReversePlotOrder = lastYSettings(5, zoomCount)
.ScaleType = lastYSettings(6, zoomCount)
.DisplayUnit = lastYSettings(7, zoomCount)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastYSettings(8, zoomCount)
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = lastXSettings(0, zoomCount)
.MaximumScale = lastXSettings(1, zoomCount)
.MinorUnitIsAuto = lastXSettings(2, zoomCount)
.MajorUnitIsAuto = lastXSettings(3, zoomCount)
.Crosses = lastXSettings(4, zoomCount)
.ReversePlotOrder = lastXSettings(5, zoomCount)
.ScaleType = lastXSettings(6, zoomCount)
.DisplayUnit = lastXSettings(7, zoomCount)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastXSettings(8, zoomCount)
End With
If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
.MinimumScale = lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount)
.MaximumScale = lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount)
.MinorUnitIsAuto = lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount)
.MajorUnitIsAuto = lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount)
.Crosses = lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount)
.ReversePlotOrder = lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount)
.ScaleType = lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount)
.DisplayUnit = lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount)
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Call removeToolbar
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call removeToolbar
Call addToolbar
End Sub
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Activate ' Select the chart, so we can call Autofit()
Call AutoFit
Here's the code (2007 and up version) if anyone is interested.
Code:'Chart Zoom tool version 2.1 'Date: April 25, 2011 'Author: Jason Vint Public lastXSettings() As Variant Public lastYSettings() As Variant Public lastY2Settings() As Variant Public zoomCount As Integer Public activeChartName As String Public strangeChart As Boolean Public Const xlDualAxis = -4111 Sub removeToolbar() Dim menu As CommandBar On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("ChartZoom").Delete For i = 1 To 3 Select Case i Case 1 menuName = "Chart" Case 2 menuName = "Chart Menu Bar" '"Plot Area" Case 3 menuName = "Object/Plot" End Select Set menu = Application.CommandBars(menuName) menu.Controls("Chart Zoom").Delete menu.Controls("AutoFit").Delete menu.Controls("Undo Zoom").Delete Next End Sub Sub addToolbar() Dim NewItem1 As CommandBar Dim menu As CommandBar On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("ChartZoom").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set NewItem1 = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="ChartZoom", Position:=msoBarTop, Temporary:=True) NewItem1.Visible = True menuName = "Chart Menu Bar" '"Plot Area" Set menu = Application.CommandBars(menuName) Set NewItem2 = menu.Controls.Add With NewItem2 .Caption = "Chart Zoom" .FaceId = 25 '.Picture = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ImageList1.ListImages(1).Picture .OnAction = "zoom" .BeginGroup = True End With Set NewItem3 = menu.Controls.Add With NewItem3 .Caption = "AutoFit" .FaceId = 202 .OnAction = "AutoFit" .BeginGroup = False End With Set NewItem4 = menu.Controls.Add With NewItem4 .Caption = "Undo Zoom" .FaceId = 37 .OnAction = "UndoZoom" .BeginGroup = False End With Application.CommandBars("ChartZoom").Visible = False End Sub Sub zoom() Dim temp As Boolean Application.ScreenUpdating = True On Error Resume Next shapeCount = ActiveChart.Shapes.Count shtShapeCount = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count If Err Then MsgBox "Please select a chart first.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "No chart selected" Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 'temp = (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis) If Not (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis) Then MsgBox "The zoom tool can only be used on XY (Scatter) type plots.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Wrong Chart Type." Exit Sub End If strangeChart = False If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then Err.Clear On Error Resume Next YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale If Err Then strangeChart = True Err.Clear End If On Error GoTo 0 End If If activeChartName <> "" And activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name Then ReDim Preserve lastXSettings(9, zoomCount) ReDim Preserve lastYSettings(9, zoomCount) If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then ReDim Preserve lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount) End If Else zoomCount = 0 ReDim lastXSettings(9, zoomCount) ReDim lastYSettings(9, zoomCount) If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then ReDim lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount) End If End If activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name CommandBars("Basic Shapes").Controls("&Rectangle").Execute 'On Error Resume Next Do DoEvents Loop Until ActiveChart.Shapes.Count = shapeCount + 1 If Err Then ActiveSheet.Shapes(shtShapeCount + 1).Delete CommandBars("ChartZoom").Controls("Chart Zoom").State = msoButtonUp Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 zoomTop = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Top zoomLeft = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Left zoomHeight = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Height zoomWidth = ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Width plotTop = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideTop plotLeft = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideLeft plotHeight = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideHeight plotWidth = ActiveChart.PlotArea.InsideWidth XMin = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale XMax = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale YMin = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale YMax = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale newXMin = XMin + (XMax - XMin) * (zoomLeft - plotLeft) / plotWidth newXMax = XMin + (XMax - XMin) * (zoomWidth + zoomLeft - plotLeft) / plotWidth newYMax = YMax - (YMax - YMin) * (zoomTop - plotTop) / plotHeight newYMin = YMax - (YMax - YMin) * (zoomTop - plotTop + zoomHeight) / plotHeight magXmin = Abs(newXMin - Round(newXMin, 0)) / (newXMax - newXMin) magXmax = Abs(newXMax - Round(newXMax, 0)) / (newXMax - newXMin) magYmin = Abs(newYMin - Round(newYMin, 0)) / (newYMax - newYMin) magYmax = Abs(newYMax - Round(newYMax, 0)) / (newYMax - newYMin) If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale YMax2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MaximumScale newYMax2 = YMax2 - (YMax2 - YMin2) * (zoomTop - plotTop) / plotHeight newYMin2 = YMax2 - (YMax2 - YMin2) * (zoomTop - plotTop + zoomHeight) / plotHeight magYmin2 = Abs(newYMin2 - Round(newYMin2, 0)) / (newYMax2 - newYMin2) magYmax2 = Abs(newYMax2 - Round(newYMax2, 0)) / (newYMax2 - newYMin2) End If msg = "Zoom Box info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Top: " & vbTab & zoomTop & vbCrLf & _ "Left: " & vbTab & zoomLeft & vbCrLf & _ "Height: " & vbTab & zoomHeight & vbCrLf & _ "Width: " & vbTab & zoomWidth & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Plot area info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Top: " & vbTab & plotTop & vbCrLf & _ "Left: " & vbTab & plotLeft & vbCrLf & _ "Height: " & vbTab & plotHeight & vbCrLf & _ "Width: " & vbTab & plotWidth & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Scale info:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "XMin: " & vbTab & XMin & vbCrLf & _ "XMax: " & vbTab & XMax & vbCrLf & _ "YMin: " & vbTab & YMin & vbCrLf & _ "YMax: " & vbTab & YMax & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "New X Min: " & vbTab & newXMin & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "New X Max: " & vbTab & newXMax & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "New Y Min: " & vbTab & newYMin & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "New Y Max: " & vbTab & newYMax 'MsgBox msg ActiveChart.Shapes(shapeCount + 1).Delete DoEvents Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue) lastYSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastYSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastYSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastYSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastYSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastYSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastYSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastYSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastYSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScale = newYMin .MaximumScale = newYMax .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0") End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) lastXSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastXSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastXSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastXSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastXSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastXSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastXSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastXSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastXSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScale = newXMin .MaximumScale = newXMax .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magXmin), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0") End With If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary) lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScale = newYMin2 .MaximumScale = newYMax2 .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin2), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0") End With End If DoEvents Application.ScreenUpdating = True zoomCount = zoomCount + 1 'MsgBox msg End Sub Sub AutoFit() On Error Resume Next shapeCount = ActiveChart.Shapes.Count If Err Then MsgBox "Please select a chart first.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "No chart selected" Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 If Not (ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers Or _ ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth Or ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis) Then MsgBox "The zoom tool can only be used on XY (Scatter) type plots.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Wrong Chart Type." Exit Sub End If strangeChart = False If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then Err.Clear On Error Resume Next YMin2 = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary).MinimumScale If Err Then strangeChart = True Err.Clear End If On Error GoTo 0 End If If activeChartName <> "" And activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name Then ReDim Preserve lastXSettings(9, zoomCount) ReDim Preserve lastYSettings(9, zoomCount) If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then ReDim Preserve lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount) End If Else zoomCount = 0 ReDim lastXSettings(9, zoomCount) ReDim lastYSettings(9, zoomCount) If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis Then ReDim lastY2Settings(9, zoomCount) End If End If activeChartName = ActiveChart.Name Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue) lastYSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastYSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastYSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastYSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastYSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastYSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastYSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastYSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastYSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00" End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) lastXSettings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastXSettings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastXSettings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastXSettings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastXSettings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastXSettings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastXSettings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastXSettings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastXSettings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00" End With If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary) lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount) = .MinimumScale lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount) = .MaximumScale lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount) = .MinorUnitIsAuto lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount) = .MajorUnitIsAuto lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount) = .Crosses lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount) = .ReversePlotOrder lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount) = .ScaleType lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount) = .DisplayUnit lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount) = .TickLabels.NumberFormat .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True .MinorUnitIsAuto = True .MajorUnitIsAuto = True .Crosses = xlAutomatic .ReversePlotOrder = False .ScaleType = xlLinear .DisplayUnit = xlNone .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0." & String(InStr(1, CStr(magYmin2), ".", vbTextCompare) + 1, "0") End With End If DoEvents Application.ScreenUpdating = True zoomCount = zoomCount + 1 End Sub Sub UndoZoom() On Error Resume Next If zoomCount = 0 Or ActiveChart.Name <> activeChartName Then Exit Sub zoomCount = zoomCount - 1 Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue) .MinimumScale = lastYSettings(0, zoomCount) .MaximumScale = lastYSettings(1, zoomCount) .MinorUnitIsAuto = lastYSettings(2, zoomCount) .MajorUnitIsAuto = lastYSettings(3, zoomCount) .Crosses = lastYSettings(4, zoomCount) .ReversePlotOrder = lastYSettings(5, zoomCount) .ScaleType = lastYSettings(6, zoomCount) .DisplayUnit = lastYSettings(7, zoomCount) .TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastYSettings(8, zoomCount) End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .MinimumScale = lastXSettings(0, zoomCount) .MaximumScale = lastXSettings(1, zoomCount) .MinorUnitIsAuto = lastXSettings(2, zoomCount) .MajorUnitIsAuto = lastXSettings(3, zoomCount) .Crosses = lastXSettings(4, zoomCount) .ReversePlotOrder = lastXSettings(5, zoomCount) .ScaleType = lastXSettings(6, zoomCount) .DisplayUnit = lastXSettings(7, zoomCount) .TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastXSettings(8, zoomCount) End With If ActiveChart.ChartType = xlDualAxis And Not strangeChart Then With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary) .MinimumScale = lastY2Settings(0, zoomCount) .MaximumScale = lastY2Settings(1, zoomCount) .MinorUnitIsAuto = lastY2Settings(2, zoomCount) .MajorUnitIsAuto = lastY2Settings(3, zoomCount) .Crosses = lastY2Settings(4, zoomCount) .ReversePlotOrder = lastY2Settings(5, zoomCount) .ScaleType = lastY2Settings(6, zoomCount) .DisplayUnit = lastY2Settings(7, zoomCount) .TickLabels.NumberFormat = lastY2Settings(8, zoomCount) End With End If DoEvents Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
In the workbook module put this:
Code:Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call removeToolbar End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call removeToolbar Call addToolbar End Sub