How to VBA code to drop data from UserForm to multiple worksheets


Board Regular
Nov 3, 2023
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I am attempting to drop data into multiple worksheets from data entered into a UserForm. I have already had great success from help on here setting it up thus far to drop data into 1 worksheet using a lookup code. But the 1st worksheet will require the lookup function, whereas the 2nd worksheet won't. The 2nd worksheet will only require the data to be dropped into the next available row. Is this possible to do using VBA? See existing code below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Lookup As String
Dim LookupRow As Long
Dim StandClm As Integer
Dim InstInstClm As Integer
Dim VendInClm As Integer
Dim InstEnClm As Integer
Dim BareTuClm As Integer
Dim BareTubClm As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Lookup = Me.TextBox12.Value
LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, Range("C:C"), 0)

StandClm = 51
InstInClm = 52
VendInClm = 53
InstEnClm = 54
BareTuClm = 55
BareTubClm = 56
PreInsuClm = 57
PreInsulClm = 58
AirDropClm = 59
MiscPanClm = 60
InstBuiClm = 61
InstHooClm = 62

If Me.Stands <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, StandClm) = Me.Stands
If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm) = Me.Instruments_Installed
If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm) = Me.Vendor_Instruments
If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm) = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm) = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm) = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm) = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm) = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm) = Me.Air_Drops
If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm) = Me.Misc_Panels
If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm) = Me.Instrument_Buildings
If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm) = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ctl As MSForms.Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctl)
Case "TextBox"
ctl.Text = ""
Case "CheckBox", "OptionButton", "ToggleButton"
ctl.Value = False
Case "ComboBox", "ListBox"
ctl.ListIndex = -1
End Select
Next ctl

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim iExit As VbMsgBoxResult

iExit = MsgBox("Confirm if you want to exit", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Data Entry Form")

If iExit = vbYes Then
Unload Me
End If

End Sub
Why not use the existing code you posted?

(Tip: For future posts , please try to use code tags when posting code. It makes your code easier to read and copy.
Upvote 0
@rlv01 I'm not sure how to use the existing code to get it to populate in 2 separate worksheets.

Sorry about the code, newbie here :(
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Lookup As String
Dim LookupRow As Long
Dim StandClm  As Integer
Dim InstInstClm As Integer
Dim VendInClm As Integer
Dim InstEnClm As Integer
Dim BareTuClm As Integer
Dim BareTubClm As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Lookup = Me.Inst_Tag.Value
LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, Range("C:C"), 0)

StandClm = 51
InstInClm = 52
VendInClm = 53
InstEnClm = 54
BareTuClm = 55
BareTubClm = 56
PreInsuClm = 57
PreInsulClm = 58
AirDropClm = 59
MiscPanClm = 60
InstBuiClm = 61
InstHooClm = 62

If Me.Stands <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, StandClm) = Me.Stands
If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm) = Me.Instruments_Installed
If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm) = Me.Vendor_Instruments
If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm) = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm) = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm) = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm) = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm) = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm) = Me.Air_Drops
If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm) = Me.Misc_Panels
If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm) = Me.Instrument_Buildings
If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm) = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups

End Sub
Upvote 0
Perhaps something like this.
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim Lookup As String
    Dim LookupRow As Integer
    Dim StandClm As Integer
    Dim InstInstClm As Integer
    Dim VendInClm As Integer
    Dim InstEnClm As Integer
    Dim BareTuClm As Integer
    Dim BareTubClm As Integer
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim InstInClm  As Integer, PreInsuClm As Integer, PreInsulClm As Integer, AirDropClm As Integer, MiscPanClm As Integer, InstBuiClm As Integer, InstHooClm As Integer
    StandClm = 51
    InstInClm = 52
    VendInClm = 53
    InstEnClm = 54
    BareTuClm = 55
    BareTubClm = 56
    PreInsuClm = 57
    PreInsulClm = 58
    AirDropClm = 59
    MiscPanClm = 60
    InstBuiClm = 61
    InstHooClm = 62
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        Select Case WS.Name
            Case "Sheet1", "Sheet2"
                Lookup = Me.Inst_Tag.Value
                LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, WS.Range("C:C"), 0)
                If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
                If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
                If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
                If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
                If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
                If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
                If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
                If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
                If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
                If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
                If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
                If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups
        End Select
    Next WS
End Sub
Upvote 0
Perhaps something like this.
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim Lookup As String
    Dim LookupRow As Integer
    Dim StandClm As Integer
    Dim InstInstClm As Integer
    Dim VendInClm As Integer
    Dim InstEnClm As Integer
    Dim BareTuClm As Integer
    Dim BareTubClm As Integer
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim InstInClm  As Integer, PreInsuClm As Integer, PreInsulClm As Integer, AirDropClm As Integer, MiscPanClm As Integer, InstBuiClm As Integer, InstHooClm As Integer
    StandClm = 51
    InstInClm = 52
    VendInClm = 53
    InstEnClm = 54
    BareTuClm = 55
    BareTubClm = 56
    PreInsuClm = 57
    PreInsulClm = 58
    AirDropClm = 59
    MiscPanClm = 60
    InstBuiClm = 61
    InstHooClm = 62
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        Select Case WS.Name
            Case "Sheet1", "Sheet2"
                Lookup = Me.Inst_Tag.Value
                LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, WS.Range("C:C"), 0)
                If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
                If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
                If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
                If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
                If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
                If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
                If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
                If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
                If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
                If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
                If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
                If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups
        End Select
    Next WS
End Sub

I don't this this will work because it is referencing a lookup value within a text box for the first sheet (The Inst_Tag). I need it to just drop data into the 2nd sheet without the look up reference. If that makes sense. Also, the data will get dropped into different columns
Upvote 0
Not tested.
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim Lookup As String
    Dim LookupRow As Long
    Dim NextRow As Long
    Dim StandClm As Long
    Dim InstInstClm As Long
    Dim VendInClm As Long
    Dim InstEnClm As Long
    Dim BareTuClm As Long
    Dim BareTubClm As Long
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim InstInClm As Long, PreInsuClm As Long, PreInsulClm As Long, AirDropClm As Long, MiscPanClm As Long, InstBuiClm As Long, InstHooClm As Long

    On Error Resume Next

    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        Select Case WS.Name
        Case "Sheet1"
            StandClm = 51
            InstInClm = 52
            VendInClm = 53
            InstEnClm = 54
            BareTuClm = 55
            BareTubClm = 56
            PreInsuClm = 57
            PreInsulClm = 58
            AirDropClm = 59
            MiscPanClm = 60
            InstBuiClm = 61
            InstHooClm = 62

            Lookup = Me.Inst_Tag.Value
            LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, WS.Range("C:C"), 0)

            If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
            If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
            If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
            If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
            If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
            If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
            If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
            If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups

        Case "Sheet2"
            StandClm = 151                            '<--- edit 2nd sh column numbers per whatever scheme you have decided on
            InstInClm = 152
            VendInClm = 153
            InstEnClm = 154
            BareTuClm = 155
            BareTubClm = 156
            PreInsuClm = 157
            PreInsulClm = 158
            AirDropClm = 159
            MiscPanClm = 160
            InstBuiClm = 161
            InstHooClm = 162

            NextRow = WS.Range("A" & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1    '<-- if A is not the right column then you'll need to edit.

            If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
            If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
            If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
            If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
            If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
            If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
            If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
            If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups
        End Select
    Next WS
End Sub
Upvote 1
The 2nd worksheet will only require the data to be dropped into the next available row.


Looking at your code it only posts data to the range if a value has been entered in your textboxes and presumably you are doing this to preserve existing data when no value has been entered?
In which case, when posting a record to the second sheet, do you want any blank textboxes to show as blank in the range or do you want to show the cell value of existing data?

Also, is the data to be posted in second sheet starting from Column A?

Upvote 1

Looking at your code it only posts data to the range if a value has been entered in your textboxes and presumably you are doing this to preserve existing data when no value has been entered?
In which case, when posting a record to the second sheet, do you want any blank textboxes to show as blank in the range or do you want to show the cell value of existing data?

Also, is the data to be posted in second sheet starting from Column A?

Hello, good morning

Yes sir, you are correct. The first sheet operates by using the value from one text box to look up against, and then drop the remaining data from the other text boxes in that specific row. And yes, to preserve the existing data when no value has been entered. For the second sheet I want all values dropped into the next available row, and, like you said, any text box that is blank needs to remain blank on the second sheet.

Yes again! To the second sheet data starting at Column A. I tried the above code that rlv01 posted but it would only populate row 1 each time, replacing the prior data dropped in.
Upvote 0
Not tested.
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim Lookup As String
    Dim LookupRow As Long
    Dim NextRow As Long
    Dim StandClm As Long
    Dim InstInstClm As Long
    Dim VendInClm As Long
    Dim InstEnClm As Long
    Dim BareTuClm As Long
    Dim BareTubClm As Long
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim InstInClm As Long, PreInsuClm As Long, PreInsulClm As Long, AirDropClm As Long, MiscPanClm As Long, InstBuiClm As Long, InstHooClm As Long

    On Error Resume Next

    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        Select Case WS.Name
        Case "Sheet1"
            StandClm = 51
            InstInClm = 52
            VendInClm = 53
            InstEnClm = 54
            BareTuClm = 55
            BareTubClm = 56
            PreInsuClm = 57
            PreInsulClm = 58
            AirDropClm = 59
            MiscPanClm = 60
            InstBuiClm = 61
            InstHooClm = 62

            Lookup = Me.Inst_Tag.Value
            LookupRow = Application.Match(Lookup, WS.Range("C:C"), 0)

            If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
            If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
            If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
            If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
            If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
            If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
            If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
            If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(LookupRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups

        Case "Sheet2"
            StandClm = 151                            '<--- edit 2nd sh column numbers per whatever scheme you have decided on
            InstInClm = 152
            VendInClm = 153
            InstEnClm = 154
            BareTuClm = 155
            BareTubClm = 156
            PreInsuClm = 157
            PreInsulClm = 158
            AirDropClm = 159
            MiscPanClm = 160
            InstBuiClm = 161
            InstHooClm = 162

            NextRow = WS.Range("A" & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1    '<-- if A is not the right column then you'll need to edit.

            If Me.Stands <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, StandClm).Value = Me.Stands
            If Me.Instruments_Installed <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstInClm).Value = Me.Instruments_Installed
            If Me.Vendor_Instruments <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, VendInClm).Value = Me.Vendor_Instruments
            If Me.Instrument_Enclosures <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstEnClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Enclosures
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, BareTuClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage
            If Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, BareTubClm).Value = Me.Bare_Tubing_Footage_Test
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, PreInsuClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing
            If Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, PreInsulClm).Value = Me.Pre_Insulated_Tubing_Test
            If Me.Air_Drops <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, AirDropClm).Value = Me.Air_Drops
            If Me.Misc_Panels <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, MiscPanClm).Value = Me.Misc_Panels
            If Me.Instrument_Buildings <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstBuiClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Buildings
            If Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups <> "" Then WS.Cells(NextRow, InstHooClm).Value = Me.Instrument_Hook_Ups
        End Select
    Next WS
End Sub

Thank you. This partially worked. However, as I entered in data to the textboxes it would overwrite the existing data it had previously dropped in.
Upvote 0

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