If, in the future, you could possibly be faced with longer text to insert dots into, then you might want to consider this UDF (user defined function)... it adapts automatically to whatever the length of the text is.
Function InsertDots(ByVal S As String) As String
If Len(S) Then InsertDots = Left(Replace(StrConv(S, vbUnicode), Chr(0), "."), 2 * Len(S) - 1)
End Function
If you have never worked with UDFs before, they are quite easy to use. You install the code in the same place that macros get install to... a standard module. If this is new to you... press ALT+F11 from any worksheet to go into the VB editor, then click Insert/Module once there and copy/paste the code into the code window that opened up). Once you have installed the code, go back to the worksheet and use the function just like you would any other Excel function. For this case, you would simply put this into your cell...
This formula can be copied down or across as needed.