Hi everyone!
I'd be greateful if anyone can help me on this complicated query. Maybe easy peasy for you
I'm a structural design engineer and I want to develop my own spreadsheet to calculate required area (mm^2) of reinforcement bars in concrete to avoid concrete cracking due to temperature rise in summer. Available input are min area of reinfor (cell A3), crack width limit (A1) and calculated crack with (A2). For example.....
A1= Crack width limit 0.2mm. A2= Calculated crack 0.28mm (which is higher than the limit 0.2mm; therefore min area of reinfor A3= 1450mm^2 is insufficient to stop concrete from cracking). Now......to stop cracking, I want cell B1 to take 1450 from A3 and keep increasing it until the condiotn A1>=A2 is met and I want cell B1 to display that increament( lets say 1780mm^2). I hope you do get what exaclty I want to do in excel
I don't have much experience in Excel so I don't know anything about Macro/VBA coding etc. Can we do a simple thing like this B1=IF(A1>=A2,A3,somthing here to keep adding a value to A3??) OR do we have to give pragamming code???
If it has to be Macro/VBA, could you please give me the complete coding with an instruction where to write it.
NB: There are several calculations done with manual inputs within the sheet to derive the A2 (0.28mm) value
I'd be greateful if anyone can help me on this complicated query. Maybe easy peasy for you

I'm a structural design engineer and I want to develop my own spreadsheet to calculate required area (mm^2) of reinforcement bars in concrete to avoid concrete cracking due to temperature rise in summer. Available input are min area of reinfor (cell A3), crack width limit (A1) and calculated crack with (A2). For example.....
A1= Crack width limit 0.2mm. A2= Calculated crack 0.28mm (which is higher than the limit 0.2mm; therefore min area of reinfor A3= 1450mm^2 is insufficient to stop concrete from cracking). Now......to stop cracking, I want cell B1 to take 1450 from A3 and keep increasing it until the condiotn A1>=A2 is met and I want cell B1 to display that increament( lets say 1780mm^2). I hope you do get what exaclty I want to do in excel

I don't have much experience in Excel so I don't know anything about Macro/VBA coding etc. Can we do a simple thing like this B1=IF(A1>=A2,A3,somthing here to keep adding a value to A3??) OR do we have to give pragamming code???
If it has to be Macro/VBA, could you please give me the complete coding with an instruction where to write it.

NB: There are several calculations done with manual inputs within the sheet to derive the A2 (0.28mm) value