Hello guys
I found a very usefull code and I would like your assistance on implement it on limitating the quantity of numbers that will give the desired sum.
For instance I would like the combination of numbers limitating to 13 the set of numbers.
So I will have for each set of numbers 13 numbers as example.
I will choose the quantity of sets and also the quantity of number in each set that will give me as sum result my desired value.
I found a very usefull code and I would like your assistance on implement it on limitating the quantity of numbers that will give the desired sum.
For instance I would like the combination of numbers limitating to 13 the set of numbers.
So I will have for each set of numbers 13 numbers as example.
I will choose the quantity of sets and also the quantity of number in each set that will give me as sum result my desired value.
Option Explicit
Function RealEqual(A, B, Epsilon As Double)
RealEqual = Abs(A - B) <= Epsilon
End Function
Function ExtendRslt(CurrRslt, NewVal, Separator)
If CurrRslt = "" Then ExtendRslt = NewVal _
Else ExtendRslt = CurrRslt & Separator & NewVal
End Function
Sub recursiveMatch(ByVal MaxSoln As Integer, ByVal TargetVal, InArr(), _
ByVal CurrIdx As Integer, _
ByVal CurrTotal, ByVal Epsilon As Double, _
ByRef Rslt(), ByVal CurrRslt As String, ByVal Separator As String)
Dim I As Integer
For I = CurrIdx To UBound(InArr)
If RealEqual(CurrTotal + InArr(I), TargetVal, Epsilon) Then
Rslt(UBound(Rslt)) = (CurrTotal + InArr(I)) _
& Separator & Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss") _
& Separator & ExtendRslt(CurrRslt, I, Separator)
If MaxSoln = 0 Then
If UBound(Rslt) Mod 100 = 0 Then Debug.Print UBound(Rslt) & "=" & Rslt(UBound(Rslt))
If UBound(Rslt) >= MaxSoln Then Exit Sub
End If
ReDim Preserve Rslt(UBound(Rslt) + 1)
ElseIf CurrTotal + InArr(I) > TargetVal + Epsilon Then
ElseIf CurrIdx < UBound(InArr) Then
recursiveMatch MaxSoln, TargetVal, InArr(), I + 1, _
CurrTotal + InArr(I), Epsilon, Rslt(), _
ExtendRslt(CurrRslt, I, Separator), _
If MaxSoln <> 0 Then If UBound(Rslt) >= MaxSoln Then Exit Sub
'we've run out of possible elements and we _
still don 't have a match
End If
Next I
End Sub
Function ArrLen(Arr()) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
ArrLen = UBound(Arr) - LBound(Arr) + 1
End Function