My workbook has 2 worksheets. Worksheet 1 cell A1 contain ABC, cell A2 contain DEF. Now, how can I automatically extract these data to worksheet 2 cell A1 as ABC, cell A2 also ABC, and Cell A3 is DEF, A4 also same DEF
Sorry, not able to solve my problemHow about
Excel Formula:=TOCOL(IF(SEQUENCE(,2),Sheet1!A1:A2))
My workbook has 2 worksheets. Worksheet 1 cell A1 contain ABC, cell A2 contain DEF. Now, how can I automatically extract these data to worksheet 2 cell A1 as ABC, cell A2 also ABC, and Cell A3 is DEF, A4 also same DEF
How to repeat cell values A1 to B1 and B2, and cell A2 to B3 and B4, etc. Example, A1 value is cat and A2 is dog, and now I want B1 to be cat, B2 also cat, and B3 and B4 to be dog. As I’ve a long list, I need a formula to easily accomplish the task. Please help. Thank you in advance.