how to double click html table cells to input values


New Member
Apr 19, 2016
Hi everyone,

I'm not very familiar with VBA code, I have one issue that not figured out for few days, and very upset now, anyone could help me?
I want to insert values to a HTML table cells, but the cells is read-only for first page load and if user double click the cells then the cells input tag is is display, you can see the difference html code as below.
I have tried .fireevent "ondblclcik" and .fireevent "onmousekeydown", but it does not work. I just found .fireevent "ondblclick" return false

Before double click the html source:
< div class="grid_read_div" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; display: none;" id="gridTablePanel">< /div>

after double click the html source:
< div class="grid_edit_div" style="left: 303px; top: 289px;" id="gridTablePanel">< select id="C2" class="htmlElm" style="width: 53px;" onkeydown="AGILE.grid.HTMLElementMgr.validateEvent(event)">< option value="-1" selected="">< /option>< option value="2658527">Cancel< /option>< option value="2658526">No< /option>< option value="2658525">Yes< /option>< /select>< /div>

full table html source code:
< table style="" class="GMMainTable" id="PSRTABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS" *******="return Grids[0].GridClick(event)" onmousemove="return Grids[0].GridMouseMove(event)" ***********="return Grids[0].GridMouseOver(event)" onmousedown="return Grids[0].GridMouseDown(event)" onmouseup="return Grids[0].GridMouseUp(event)" ondblclick="return Grids[0].GridDblClick(event)" oncontextmenu="return Grids[0].GridRightClick(event)" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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< tr>
< td style="overflow:hidden;">
< div class="GMHeadLeft" style="overflow:hidden;">
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< /td>
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< span id="i_4870" title="Item Number">Item Number< /span>
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< /tr>
< /tbody>
< /table>
< /div>
< /td>
< td style="overflow:hidden;">
< div class="GMHeadMid" style="overflow: hidden; width: 1515px;">
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< th style="height: 0px; width: 1px;">< /th>
< th style="height: 0px; width: 0px;">< /th>
< /tr>
< tr class="GMHeaderRow" style="height: 28px;">
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6638" title="Item Description">Item Description< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7568" title="FA Flag">FA Flag< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6635" title="Service Order Number-Line Number">Service Order Number-Line Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7558" title="Return Reason Code">Return Reason Code< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7553" title="Customer Reported Serial Number">Customer Reported Serial Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7556" title="H/W Revision">H/W Revision< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7557" title="S/W Revision">S/W Revision< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6666" title="CFA Eligible">CFA Eligible< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6667" title="BU FA Eligible">BU FA Eligible< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6668" title="End of FA">End of FA< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6636" title="Cisco Received Date">Cisco Received Date< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000007979" title="Unit Manufacturing Date Code">Unit Manufacturing Date Code< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7554" title="Cisco Received Serial Number">Cisco Received Serial Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6633" title="Site Received Serial Number">Site Received Serial Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000009197" title="Site Received S/W Revision">Site Received S/W Revision< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000009198" title="CDETS#">CDETS#< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7569" title="Part Received">Part Received< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6630" title="Physical Inventory Location">Physical Inventory Location< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6642" title="Part Receiving Notes">Part Receiving Notes< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7567" title="Rev Found">Rev Found< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6686" title="Latest Rev">Latest Rev< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_4873" title="FA Failure Mode">FA Failure Mode< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7573" title="FA Failure Code">FA Failure Code< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7563" title="Parent Serial Number">Parent Serial Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008005" title="Parent Part Number">Parent Part Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7571" title="Manufacturer">Manufacturer< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7572" title="Manufacturer Part Number">Manufacturer Part Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7559" title="Component Serial Number">Component Serial Number< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7560" title="Component Date Code">Component Date Code< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7561" title="Component Lot Code">Component Lot Code< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7564" title="RefDes Location">RefDes Location< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7565" title="RMA Originating Theater">RMA Originating Theater< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6634" title="Advanced Shipment Notice">Advanced Shipment Notice< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6641" title="Item Type">Item Type< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6508" title="Authorized Qty">Authorized Qty< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7548" title="Received Qty">Received Qty< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7549" title="Cancelled Qty Prior to Case Submit">Cancelled Qty Prior to Case Submit< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6787" title="Rev Found - Make Not Visible">Rev Found - Make Not Visible< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_4872" title="Rev Fixed">Rev Fixed< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6671" title="Product Family">Product Family< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6674" title="Critical/Non Critical">Critical/Non Critical< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_6673" title="FCS Status">FCS Status< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000007999" title="Reasons for Initiating RC">Reasons for Initiating RC< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008000" title="Reasons for not initiating RC">Reasons for not initiating RC< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008001" title="RC Path">RC Path< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008006" title="Create OEM / Root Cause Case">Create OEM / Root Cause Case< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008002" title="RC Priority">RC Priority< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008003" title="QIT  Disposition PID/Comp">QIT Disposition PID/Comp< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008004" title="OEM / ODM Type">OEM / ODM Type< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008007" title="SW- RC Path Name">SW- RC Path Name< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_2000008008" title="SW Received Resolution Status">SW Received Resolution Status< /span>
< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(239,239,239)" class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeader" colspan="2">
< span id="i_7555" title="Ship To Country">Ship To Country< /span>
< /td>
< td class=" GMRow GMHeaderText GMCellHeaderEmpty" colspan="2">< /td>
< /tr>
< /tbody>
< /table>
< /div>
< /td>
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< a tabindex="-1" href="javascript:noaction();" ***********="showQuickViewLink(event, this)" **********="cancelQuickViewTimer(this);" *******="javascript:displayItem('ItemHandler', '10000', '44972144', '0', 'RightPane', '0', '', '0', '0', '0');" class="image_link" infourl="showObjectInfo('10000', '44972144', '201363007', '4870', 'R0', 'true', 'PSRTABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS');">CP-3905=< /a> 
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< tr class="GMDataRow" style="height: 21px;">
< td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905, Charcoal, Standard Handset  < /td>
< td style="background-color: rgb(201, 221, 255);" class=" GMColorReadOnly GMRow GMText GMCell GMEmpty" colspan="2"> < /td>
< td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">900046014-2  < /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">DOA- DEAD ON ARRIVAL  < /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorReadOnly GMRow GMText GMCell GMEmpty" colspan="2"> < /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">Y< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">Y< /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell GMEmpty" colspan="2"> < /td>
< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell GMEmpty" colspan="2"> < /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">No< /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">-E0  < /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">JPN  < /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">PID< /td>
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< td style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" class=" GMColorNoFocus GMRow GMText GMCell" colspan="2">Introductory< /td>
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