how to create this data


Well-known Member
Aug 23, 2008

I use formula =(A1:A4)*2 so when i press F9 at the formula it show ={4;12;2;16}

here is my problem, i have data like this:
and i want to create formula so when i press F9 in that formula will show me array like this ={2;7;10;17} i dont know what kind of formula, please help...

thank you very much...

Excel Facts

Convert text numbers to real numbers
Select a column containing text numbers. Press Alt+D E F to quickly convert text to numbers. Faster than "Convert to Number"
insroduce a heading row. see the formula in B2 . after creating this formla hit enter
then copy B2 down to b5. see the sample sheet
Upvote 0
insroduce a heading row. see the formula in B2 . after creating this formla hit enter
then copy B2 down to b5. see the sample sheet

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BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: left">h1</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; 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TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: menu; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d4d0c8" align=middle width="2%"><CENTER>3</CENTER></TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right">5</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right">7</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: menu; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d4d0c8" align=middle width="2%"><CENTER>4</CENTER></TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right">3</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right">10</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; 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TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-TOP: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: menu; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d4d0c8" align=middle width="2%"><CENTER>6</CENTER></TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8 0.5pt solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: right"> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #808080 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d4d0c8" colSpan=5><TABLE width="100%" align=left VALIGN="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #808080 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 120pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" align=left>Sheet1</TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

Sory venkat, but its not what i really wanted
i need a formula in a single cell and maybe array formula to do this
a simple formula which is dynamic and can handle hundreds of row of data

anyway, thanks for the reply
Upvote 0
I also thought that you required VBA...

You want...




or simply as


The transformation from a range to an array constant happens during
processing. So there is no need to have it in a cell, which is also "impossible" for you would
only see/access the first item of an array constant.
Upvote 0

Isn't it C4 ?

1) hit Alt + F11 to Open vbe
2) go to [Insert] - [Module] then paste the code onto the right pane
3) hit Alt + F11 again to get back to Excel
4) Select B1:B4, enter = Tony(A1:A4), then confirm with Ctrl + Shift + Enter (Array formula entry)

Function Tony(rng As Range) As Variant. temp As Double
Dim a, b() As Double, i As Long
a = rng.Value
ReDim b(1 To UBound(a,1), 1 To 1)
b(1,1) = a(1,1)
For i = 2 To UBound(a,1)
    b(i, 1) = b(i - 1, 1) + a(i, 1)
Function Tony = b
End Function
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