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- Nov 20, 2019
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I have Three worksheets, and essentially I want to select a cell in Column A of Sheet 2 (As the Active Cell) and check if there are any duplicates in Column A of Sheet 3 (The Range for this Sheet should be from A1 to the last row of Data).
If there are any duplicates, I would like a msgbox to display the number of duplicate values if it's greater than 3.
I have added comments explaining my logic in each step, please feel free to simplify my code as well:
Currently, my code gets to the first IF Statement and simply goes to the End IF, so it doesn't execute past this line and simply goes to Next and then End Sub:
Cross Referencing:
If there are any duplicates, I would like a msgbox to display the number of duplicate values if it's greater than 3.
I have added comments explaining my logic in each step, please feel free to simplify my code as well:
VBA Code:
Sub Check_Duplicates()
'Declaring variables
Dim Cell As Variant
Dim Source As Range
Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, sh3 As Worksheet
Dim rowAC As Long
Dim Counter As Long
'Assigning a worksheet to the decalred variables
Set sh1 = Sheet1
Set sh2 = Sheet2
Set sh3 = Sheet3
'Sets the Long variable as the Active Cell Row in Sheet 2
rowAC = ActiveCell.Row
'Initializing "Source" variable range to last row in Sheet 3
'Set Source = sh3.Range("A1").End(xlDown)
Set Source = sh3.Range("A1", sh3.Range("A1").End(xlDown)) 'StackOverFlow Suggestion
'Looping through each cell in the "Source" variable Range
For Each Cell In Source
'Checking if the "Cell" values in Sheet 3 (in column A to the last row) are equal to the value in the Active Cell in Column A
If Cell.Value = sh2.Range("A" & rowAC).Value Then
'If Cell.Value = sh2.Range("MyRange").Value Then
'Checking whether the value in "Cell" already exists in the "Source" range
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Source, Cell) > 1 Then
'Counts and stores the number of duplicate values from Sheet 3 "Cells" compared to the Active Cell value in Sheet 1 Column A
Counter = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(sh3.Range("Source,Cell"), sh2.Range("A" & rowAC))
'If there are more than 3 duplicates then display a message box
If Counter > 3 Then
'Msgbox displaying the number of duplicate values in Sheet 3
MsgBox "No. of duplicates is:" & Counter
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Currently, my code gets to the first IF Statement and simply goes to the End IF, so it doesn't execute past this line and simply goes to Next and then End Sub:
If Cell.Value = sh2.Range("A" & rowAC).Value Then
Cross Referencing:

How to Check for Duplicates and Display a Count MsgBox
I have Three worksheets, and essentially I want to select a cell in Column A of Sheet 2 (As the Active Cell) and check if there are any duplicates in Column A of Sheet 3 (The Range for this Sheet s...
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