Thank you, as you said, tbl not necessary
but now I have another issue, the macro runs (yay)! but it's displaying hundreds more results than it should it do
I have even got rid of the inner join, which I know, will make zero difference
The sql string is this....qry_CPI_Logged = _
"SELECT tblCPILogged.Ref, tblCPILogged.[Logged By], tblCPILogged.[Logged Date] " _
+ "FROM tblCPILOgged " _
+ "WHERE (((tblCPILogged.[Logged Date])>=#" + CStr(convert_date(wc)) + "# And (tblCPILogged.[Logged Date])<#" + CStr(convert_date(wc + 7)) + "#));"
The sql in db is this SELECT tblCPILogged.Ref, tblCPILogged.[Logged By], tblCPILogged.[Logged Date]
FROM tblCPILogged
WHERE TblCPILogged.[Logged Date] >=#6/23/2014# AND TblCPILogged.[Logged Date] <#6/29/2014#;