Greetings everyone... Longtime viewer but 1st time poster. Hopefully this will make sense... I have a userform that tracks who gets a project revision when the person the project belongs to is gone (this part works great). In this userform there is another userform that allows me to alter the list for times when the next person who gets the revision is also gone. We try to make sure that everyone gets the same amount of revisions and nobody is skipped over. On my second userform you can move people down on the list by clicking a button next to the name. When the button is clicked it will change on the 2nd userform and save the change in the spreadsheet hidden in the background. When I click the button to close the 2nd userform and recall the 1st userform... the change does not show up on the 1st userform. I figure it's because I'm using hide/show userforms. I tried unload userform2/load userform1 but it just quick flashes and everything disappears. However, the spreadsheet is still open in the back ground but you can't see it. I figure the easiest fix is to keep it how I have it using Hide/Show. I will take an answer to either one if someone has it.