Good afternoon! I have cobbled together some code using what has been available (I don't take ownership of any of it), but I'm having difficulty getting it to delete a calendar appointment.
I'm tracking due dates, and I am able to create the appointments in outlook, via excel. I'm having difficulty in writing code that will delete the created calendar item if a deadline is met.
Any suggestions?
Dim row As Integer
Dim appointment As Boolean
Public Sub CreateBankStatementCalendar()
row = Selection.row
appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 7), "Bank Statement Due for " & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1"), "", #12:00:00 PM#, #12:30:00 PM#)
'appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 8), "1st Files to Send", "Office2", #8:00:00 AM#, #9:00:00 AM#)
'If IsDate(Cells(row, 28)) Then appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 9), "Arrange Monitors", "Office3", #9:00:00 AM#, #10:00:00 AM#)
'If IsDate(Cells(row, 29)) Then appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 8), "Confirm Monitors", "Office4", #9:00:00 AM#, #10:00:00 AM#)
'If IsDate(Cells(row, 29)) Then appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 9), "DDS", "Office5", #10:00:00 AM#, #11:00:00 AM#)
'If Cells(row, 20) > 0 Then appointment = AddToCalendar(Cells(row, 21), "3rd Party letters to Send", "Office6", #10:00:00 AM#, #11:00:00 AM#)
End Sub
Function AddToCalendar(dteDate As Date, strSubject As String, strLoc As String, dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim olApp As Object
Dim objNewAppt As Object
Set olApp = GetOutlookApplication
If olApp Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot access Outlook. Exiting now", vbInformation
GoTo ErrorHandler
End If
Set objNewAppt = olApp.createitem(1) ' 1 is the constant for olAppointmentItem when using late-bound code, or VBScript
body = "Deadline to turn in bank statement for " & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") & Chr(13) & "Bank Statement dates: " & Cells(row, 2) & _
Chr(13) & "Due back to Program Manager by " & Cells(row, 7) 'body of message
With objNewAppt
.meetingstatus = 1
.Start = dteDate & " " & dteStart
.End = dteDate & " " & dteEnd
.Subject = strSubject
.Location = strLoc
.body = body
.reminderset = True
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 30
.Recipients.Add ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Email Addresses").Range("a2")
.Recipients.Add ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Email Addresses").Range("a3")
.Recipients.Add ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Email Addresses").Range("a4")
End With
AddToCalendar = True
GoTo ExitProc
AddToCalendar = False
MsgBox "Please make sure that the dates are in the correct format and" & Chr(13) & _
"you have selected a cell in the project row you wish to create tasks for."
Set olApp = Nothing
Set objNewAppt = Nothing
End Function
Function GetOutlookApplication()
On Error Resume Next
Set GetOutlookApplication = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set GetOutlookApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function