Taken from the Wall Street Journal. Subscription may be required.
Pct changes where nothing happens show as "unch" in the data, error in the file
So after changing all values to decimal the query swaps those errors for null values
Source = Web.Page(Web.Contents("http://online.wsj.com/mdc/public/page/2_3021-forex.html")),
Data0 = Source{0}[Data],
RenameCols = Table.RenameColumns(Data0,{{"Column1", "Currency"}, {"Column2", "In US$"}, {"Column4", "Pct Chng Yesterday"}, {"Column5", "Pct Chng YTD"}, {"Column6", "Per US$"}}),
RemoveCols = Table.RemoveColumns(RenameCols,{"Column3", "Column7"}),
ChangeToDecimal = Table.TransformColumnTypes(RemoveCols,{{"In US$", type number}, {"Pct Chng Yesterday", type number}, {"Pct Chng YTD", type number}, {"Per US$", type number}}),
RemoveTextRows = Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(ChangeToDecimal, {"In US$"}),
ReplacePctChngWithNull = Table.ReplaceErrorValues(RemoveTextRows, {{"Pct Chng Yesterday", null}}),
ReplacePctChngYTDWithNull = Table.ReplaceErrorValues(ReplacePctChngWithNull, {{"Pct Chng YTD", null}})