Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cl As Range, rng As Range, lstrw As Long, lastrow As Long, Lastrowa As Long, cntr As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lastrow = Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(8, 2).Resize(lastrow - 7).Copy Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(1, 12)
Lastrowa = Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(1, 12).Resize(Lastrowa).Sort key1:=Cells(1, 12).Resize(Lastrowa), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
CustomerSearchBox.List = Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(1, 12).Resize(Lastrowa).Value
Sheets("POSTAGE").Cells(1, 12).Resize(Lastrowa).Clear
cntr = 1
With Sheets("POSTAGE")
lstrw = .Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range("B8:B" & lstrw)
For Each cl In rng
If cl.Offset(0, 5).Value = "" Then Sheets("POSTAGE").Range("L" & cntr).Value = cl.Value: cntr = cntr + 1
If cntr = 1 Then
MsgBox "No data"
Unload PostageTransferSheet
ElseIf cntr = 2 Then
NameForDateEntryBox.AddItem .Range("L1").Value
.Range("L1:L" & cntr - 1).Sort key1:=.Range("L1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
NameForDateEntryBox.List = .Range("L1:L" & cntr - 1).Value
.Range("L1:L" & cntr - 1).Clear
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
TextBox1.Value = Format(CDbl(Date), "dd/mm/yyyy")
TextBox7.Value = Format(CDbl(Date), "dd/mm/yyyy")
End Sub