trying to figure out this script, I understand most of it, the sFormula = part confuses me:
Just so you know, the Excel sheet that this VB works on has the following columns, this figures out the conformance levels.
A - Building number
B - Date
C - Yes / No
D - NC Reason
E - Status, Open, Closed, Closed - NC
F - NC Finish Date
Basically, the data entry person, enters the date, yes or no into C, if the pickup was late, then reason why in D, E status of transaction, and F has late date closing. NC = Non-Conformance
This script looks at the data and figures out the compliance percentage, script below:
I am looking at it:
sFormula = "SUMPRODUCT((C9:C" & iLastRow & "=""Yes"")*" & "(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(B9:B" & iLastRow & ",ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & _
")-MIN(ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & ")),,1))))"
IS this right ?
Can some exaplin the sFormula, what order does it work in ? I know it looks in C and B, looks at the Date Range and compares to Yes or something like that..
Option Explicit
Sub MacroSpecial()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim sFormula As String
Dim dteStart As Date
Dim dteEnd As Date
Dim sDateFormat
Dim cMatches As Long
' This is the script that does the Metrics. Current.
dteStart = InputBox("Supply start date")
If dteStart = 0 Then
Exit Sub
dteEnd = InputBox("Supply end date")
If dteEnd = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
sDateFormat = Range("B9").NumberFormat
iLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
With Range("B8:B" & iLastRow)
.AutoFilter Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & Format(CDate(dteStart), sDateFormat), Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & Format(CDate(dteEnd), sDateFormat)
cMatches = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1
sFormula = "SUMPRODUCT((C9:C" & iLastRow & "=""Yes"")*" & "(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(B9:B" & iLastRow & ",ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & _
")-MIN(ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & ")),,1))))"
MsgBox cMatches & ", " & Format(Evaluate(sFormula) / cMatches, "0.0%") & "as Yes"
Range("H3").Value = Format(Evaluate(sFormula) / cMatches, "0.0%")
End With
' write in the search date values for reference into the sheet
Range("H5").Value = dteStart
Range("I5").Value = dteEnd
Range("J8").Value = cMatches
' write the time stamp of this search into the sheet cell
Range("H8").Value = "Search Last Run: " & Now
End Sub
Just so you know, the Excel sheet that this VB works on has the following columns, this figures out the conformance levels.
A - Building number
B - Date
C - Yes / No
D - NC Reason
E - Status, Open, Closed, Closed - NC
F - NC Finish Date
Basically, the data entry person, enters the date, yes or no into C, if the pickup was late, then reason why in D, E status of transaction, and F has late date closing. NC = Non-Conformance
This script looks at the data and figures out the compliance percentage, script below:
I am looking at it:
sFormula = "SUMPRODUCT((C9:C" & iLastRow & "=""Yes"")*" & "(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(B9:B" & iLastRow & ",ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & _
")-MIN(ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & ")),,1))))"
IS this right ?
Can some exaplin the sFormula, what order does it work in ? I know it looks in C and B, looks at the Date Range and compares to Yes or something like that..
Option Explicit
Sub MacroSpecial()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim sFormula As String
Dim dteStart As Date
Dim dteEnd As Date
Dim sDateFormat
Dim cMatches As Long
' This is the script that does the Metrics. Current.
dteStart = InputBox("Supply start date")
If dteStart = 0 Then
Exit Sub
dteEnd = InputBox("Supply end date")
If dteEnd = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
sDateFormat = Range("B9").NumberFormat
iLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
With Range("B8:B" & iLastRow)
.AutoFilter Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & Format(CDate(dteStart), sDateFormat), Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & Format(CDate(dteEnd), sDateFormat)
cMatches = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1
sFormula = "SUMPRODUCT((C9:C" & iLastRow & "=""Yes"")*" & "(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(B9:B" & iLastRow & ",ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & _
")-MIN(ROW(B9:B" & iLastRow & ")),,1))))"
MsgBox cMatches & ", " & Format(Evaluate(sFormula) / cMatches, "0.0%") & "as Yes"
Range("H3").Value = Format(Evaluate(sFormula) / cMatches, "0.0%")
End With
' write in the search date values for reference into the sheet
Range("H5").Value = dteStart
Range("I5").Value = dteEnd
Range("J8").Value = cMatches
' write the time stamp of this search into the sheet cell
Range("H8").Value = "Search Last Run: " & Now
End Sub