Help with max rows of a million+


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Oct 29, 2022
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  2. 2021
  1. Windows
Back again...

I need assistance with my macro as I am running into issues with the max rows exceeding 1,048,576.

The macros current method in order:

-writes a combination of names
-once names are written, it then copies those names into helper columns and replaces the names with a salary
-adds salary together in a new column
-sorts names in order
-removes duplicates

I have enough filters where the number of rows in the end will never exceed 1,048,576...however the macro still has to "write" the names and salaries to determine if it meets criteria. The removal of duplicates and salary over 60000 doesn't occur until after all the combinations are all written. Is there any way for me to continue with the rest of code if max rows written is reached and then loop back to start writing the combinations again... Thanks for any assistance

VBA Code:
Public CalcState As Long
Public EventState As Boolean
Public PageBreakState As Boolean

Sub OptimizeCode_Begin()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

EventState = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False

CalcState = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xCalculationManual

PageBreakState = ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False

End Sub

Sub OptimizeCode_End()

ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = PageBreakState
Application.Calculation = CalcState
Application.EnableEvents = EventState
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sub NameCombos()
    Dim lLastColumn As Long
    Dim lLastUsedColumn As Long
    Dim aryNames As Variant
    Dim lColumnIndex As Long
    Dim lWriteRow As Long
    Dim bCarry As Boolean
    Dim lWriteColumn As Long
    Dim rngWrite As Range
    Dim lFirstWriteColumn As Long
    Dim lLastWriteColumn As Long
    Dim oFound As Object
    Dim lRefColumn As Long
    Dim lInUseRow As Long
    Dim lCarryColumn As Long
    Dim lPrint As Long
    Dim lLastIteration As Long
    Dim lIterationCount As Long
    Dim sErrorMsg As String
    Dim bShowError As Boolean
    Dim lLastRow As Long
    Dim lLastRowDeDuped As Long
    Dim aryDeDupe As Variant
    Dim s As Long
    Dim sRow As Long
    Dim x As Long
    Dim wksData As Worksheet
    Dim rngDataBlock As Range
    Dim lngLastRow As Long, lngLastCol As Long
    Dim sName As String
    Dim bDupeName As Boolean
    Dim oSD As Object
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim varK As Variant, varI As Variant, varTemp As Variant, lIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex2 As Long
    Dim rngSortRange As Range
    Dim dteStart As Date
    Dim sOutput As String
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lFirstHTeamCol As Long
    Dim firstrow As Long
    Dim v
    Dim lLastHTeamCol As Long
    Dim currow As Long
    Dim diff As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lLastSalaryRow As Long
    Dim rngReplace As Range
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim bFoundSalary As Boolean
    Dim sMissingSalary As String
    Dim names As Worksheet

    Call OptimizeCode_Begin
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet")
    Set names = Sheets("Salary")
    'Check for salary worksheet
    For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If wks.Name = "Salary" Then bFoundSalary = True
    If Not bFoundSalary Then
        MsgBox "The workbook must contain a worksheet named 'Salary' with data starting in row 2 " & _
            "that consists of column A containing each name in the name/column layout worksheet " & _
            "and column B containng their salary."
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    'Make sure each name has a corresponding salary entry
    'Initialize the scripting dictionary
    Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    'Inventory names on the main worksheet
    For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0)
        rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
        If rngCell.Value <> vbNullString Then
            oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) = oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) + 1
        End If
    'Remove names on the Salary worksheet
    With Worksheets("Salary")
        For Each rngCell In .Range("A2:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
            rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
            If oSD.exists(rngCell.Value) Then
                oSD.Remove rngCell.Value
            End If
    End With
    'Any names not accounted for?
    If oSD.Count <> 0 Then
        varK = oSD.keys
        For lIndex = LBound(varK) To UBound(varK)
            sMissingSalary = sMissingSalary & ", " & varK(lIndex)
        sMissingSalary = Mid(sMissingSalary, 3)
        sOutput = "The following names on the main worksheet do not have a corresponding entry on the 'Salary' worksheet." & vbLf & vbLf & _
        MsgBox sOutput
        Debug.Print sOutput
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    sErrorMsg = "Ensure a Worksheet is active with a header row starting in A1" & _
        "and names under each header entry."
    If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then
        bShowError = True
    End If
    If bShowError Then
        MsgBox sErrorMsg, , "Problems Found in Data"
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    lLastColumn = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
    lLastUsedColumn = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    ReDim aryNames(1 To 2, 1 To lLastColumn)    '1 holds the in-use entry row
    'How many combinations? (Order does not matter)
    lLastIteration = 1
    For lColumnIndex = 1 To lLastColumn
        aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) = 2
        aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) = Cells(Rows.Count, lColumnIndex).End(xlUp).Row
        lLastIteration = lLastIteration * (aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) - 1)
    lRefColumn = lLastColumn + 1
    lFirstWriteColumn = lLastColumn + 2
    lLastWriteColumn = (2 * lLastColumn) + 1
    Select Case MsgBox("Process a " & lLastColumn & " column table with " & _
        lLastIteration & " possible combinations?" & vbLf & vbLf & _
        "WARNING: Columns right of the input range will be erased before continuing.", vbOKCancel + vbCritical + _
        vbDefaultButton2, "Process table?")
    Case vbCancel
        GoTo End_Sub
    End Select
    dteStart = Now()
    'Clear all columns right of input range
    If lLastUsedColumn > lLastColumn Then
        Range(Cells(1, lLastColumn + 1), Cells(1, lLastUsedColumn)).EntireColumn.ClearContents
    End If
    Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = "ComboID"
    'Add Output Header
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, lLastColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn)
    'Start checking combinations
    lWriteRow = 2
    For lIterationCount = 1 To lLastIteration
        If lIterationCount / 1000 = lIterationCount \ 1000 Then Application.StatusBar = _
            lIterationCount & " / " & lLastIteration
        'Reset the Dupe Name flag
        bDupeName = False
        'Check Active Combo for Dupe Names
        'Initialize the scripting dictionary
        Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        'Load names into scripting dictionary
        For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
            sName = Cells(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex), lColumnIndex).Value
            oSD.Item(sName) = oSD.Item(sName) + 1
        'If there are names, and at least one duplicate, set the bDupeName flag
        If oSD.Count > 0 Then
            varK = oSD.keys
            varI = oSD.Items
            For lIndex = 1 To oSD.Count
                If varI(lIndex - 1) > 1 Then
                    bDupeName = True: Exit For
                End If
        End If
        If Not bDupeName Then
            'The current row had names and no duplicates
            'Print Active Combo to the lWriteRow row
            For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
                lWriteColumn = lColumnIndex + lLastColumn + 2
                Set rngWrite = Range(Cells(lWriteRow, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lWriteRow, lLastWriteColumn))
                Cells(lWriteRow, lRefColumn + lColumnIndex).Value = Cells(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex), lColumnIndex).Value
            'Uncomment next row to see the lIterationCount for the printed row
            Cells(lWriteRow, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = lIterationCount
            'Point to the next blank row
            lWriteRow = lWriteRow + 1
        End If
        'Increment Counters
        'Whether the line had duplicates or not, move to the next name in the
        '  rightmost column, if it was ag the last name, go to the first name in that column and
        '  move the name in the column to the left down to the next name (recursive check if THAT
        '  column was already using the last name for remaining columns to the left)
        aryNames(1, lLastColumn) = aryNames(1, lLastColumn) + 1
        If aryNames(1, lLastColumn) > aryNames(2, lLastColumn) Then
            bCarry = True
            lCarryColumn = lLastColumn
            Do While bCarry = True And lCarryColumn > 0
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = 2
                bCarry = False
                lCarryColumn = lCarryColumn - 1
                If lCarryColumn = 0 Then Exit Do
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) + 1
                If aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) > aryNames(2, lCarryColumn) Then bCarry = True
        End If
        'Check counter values (for debug)
'        Debug.Print lWriteRow,
'        For lPrint = 1 To lLastColumn
'            Debug.Print aryNames(1, lPrint) & ", ";
'        Next
'        Debug.Print
    Application.StatusBar = "Sorting"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Copy row names to right so that each copied row can be sorted alphabetically left to right
    '  this will allow the Excel remove duplicate fuction to remove rows that have identical names
    '  in all of their sorted columns.
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 2) ''SALARY
    lFirstHSortColumn = lLastWriteColumn + 2
    lLastHSortColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn + 1) ''PROJECTION
    lFirstHSortColumn2 = lLastHSortColumn + 1
    lLastHSortColumn2 = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn2 + 1) ''TEAM
    lFirstHTeamCol = lLastHSortColumn2 + 1
    lLastHTeamCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
       'Assumes the 'Salary' worksheet has names in the column A and salaries in column B starting in row 2
    'Replace HSort names with salary
    With Worksheets("Salary") '''' SALARY
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn))
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 1).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 2).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
     lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     'Add Sum Column
   Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 1).Value = ChrW(931) & " Salary"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 1), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 1))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn & ")"
        .Value = .Value
        End With
   lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
        With wksData
        'Start from cell A1 (1, 1) and assign to the last row and last column
        Set rngDataBlock = .Range(.Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 1), .Cells(lLastRow, lLastHTeamCol + 1))
    End With
        x = 60000
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        With rngDataBlock
            .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">" & x
            On Error Resume Next
            .Range(Cells(2, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHTeamCol + 9)).Delete Shift:=xlUp
        End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With

    'Turn off the Autofilter safely
    With wksData
        .AutoFilterMode = False
        If .FilterMode = True Then
        End If
    End With
    'Sort each row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastRow
        Set rngSortRange = Range(Cells(lRowIndex, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lRowIndex, lLastHSortColumn))
        ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=rngSortRange, _
            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        With ActiveSheet.Sort
            .SetRange rngSortRange
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlLeftToRight
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    'Check for duplicate rows in HSort Columns
    '  Can only happen if names are duplicated within an input column
    '  Build aryDeDupe  -- Array(1, 2, 3,...n)  -- to exclude iteration # column

    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim aryDeDupe(0 To lLastHSortColumn - lFirstHSortColumn)
    lIndex = 0
    For lColumnIndex = lFirstHSortColumn To lLastHSortColumn
        aryDeDupe(lIndex) = CInt(lColumnIndex - lFirstWriteColumn + 1)
        lIndex = lIndex + 1
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn).CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=(aryDeDupe), Header:=xlYes
    'Above line won't work unless there are parens around the Columns argument ?????
    lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn2), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn2))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 1).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 3).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHTeamCol), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHTeamCol))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 1).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 4).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''Add Projection Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 2).Value = ChrW(931) & " Projection"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 2), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 2))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn2 & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn2 & ")"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
     ''Add Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 3).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 3), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 3))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=INDEX(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",MODE(MATCH(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",0)))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 4).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 4), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 4))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-12]:RC[-4]=RC[-1],R1C[-12]:R1C[-4],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 5).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 5), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 5))
        .Formula2R1C1 = "=IFERROR(INDEX(RC[-13]:RC[-5],MODE(IF((RC[-13]:RC[-5]<>"""")*(RC[-13]:RC[-5]<>INDEX(RC[-13]:RC[-5],MODE(IF(RC[-13]:RC[-5]<>"""",MATCH(RC[-13]:RC[-5],RC[-13]:RC[-5],0))))),MATCH(RC[-13]:RC[-5],RC[-13]:RC[-5],0)))),"""")"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 6).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2 POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 6), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 6))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-12]:RC[-4]=RC[-1],R1C[-12]:R1C[-4],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    'Filter 0-1
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 7).Value = ChrW(931) & " Filter"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 7), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 7))
    End With
    'Player 1 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 8).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player1"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 8), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 8))
    End With
    'Player 2 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 9).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 9), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 9))
    End With
    'Remove Salary Columns
    Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol)).EntireColumn.Delete

    sOutput = lLastIteration & vbTab & " possible combinations" & vbLf & _
        lLastRow - 1 & vbTab & " unique name combinations" & vbLf & _
        IIf(lLastRowDeDuped <> lLastRow, lLastRow - lLastRowDeDuped & vbTab & " duplicate rows removed." & vbLf, "") & _
        lLastRowDeDuped - 1 & vbTab & " printed." & vbLf & vbLf & _
        Format(Now() - dteStart, "hh:mm:ss") & " to process."
    MsgBox sOutput, , "Output Report"
    Debug.Print sOutput
    Call OptimizeCode_End
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
If I put my cursor on anything with "aryNames" (Doesn't matter which line of code, just anything that has aryNames, It shows <TypeMismatch>. Not sure if that is anything.

If I put my cursor over NoDupeRowArray further down the sheet I get subscript out of range on second attached image.

I am assuming it is lLastIteration. lLastIteration isn't declared prior to anything before. What is it supposed to be?


  • error2.png
    15.1 KB · Views: 9
Last edited:
Upvote 0
If you want to, upload your current workbook somewhere, and then provide a link to it. I will take a look at it after I get some sleep.
Upvote 0
I am assuming it is lLastIteration. lLastIteration isn't declared prior to anything before. What is it supposed to be?
View attachment 79801
My instructions were not correct and as a result you don't have the code in the proper place. :(

The proper place for those top two lines you are showing is in the following section:
VBA Code:
    dteStart = Now()
    'Clear all columns right of input range
    If lLastUsedColumn > lLastColumn Then
        Range(Cells(1, lLastColumn + 1), Cells(1, lLastUsedColumn)).EntireColumn.ClearContents
    End If
' Save Worksheet data into 2D 1 based WorksheetArray
    WorksheetArray = wksData.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, lLastColumn).Address, "$")(1) & wksData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row)
    ReDim NoDupeRowArray(1 To lLastIteration, 1 To lLastColumn + 1)
    Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = "ComboID"

Sorry about that.
Upvote 0
My instructions were not correct and as a result you don't have the code in the proper place. :(

The proper place for those top two lines you are showing is in the following section:
VBA Code:
    dteStart = Now()
    'Clear all columns right of input range
    If lLastUsedColumn > lLastColumn Then
        Range(Cells(1, lLastColumn + 1), Cells(1, lLastUsedColumn)).EntireColumn.ClearContents
    End If
' Save Worksheet data into 2D 1 based WorksheetArray
    WorksheetArray = wksData.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, lLastColumn).Address, "$")(1) & wksData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row)
    ReDim NoDupeRowArray(1 To lLastIteration, 1 To lLastColumn + 1)
    Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = "ComboID"

Sorry about that.
Thanks for that!
After running some tests with the code I posted vs yours, yours runs 3min & 30 seconds faster! To run 967,680 combos, yours took 9min 11 seconds and the code I posted took 12min 41 seconds.

One thing I noticed however, is that without your code, I can run combinations of 1,128,960 (alittle over max rows as the duplicate rows are removed).
With your code, I get a subscript out of range when attempting to run the same. I assume that has to do with the array. Regardless I am happy that your code runs quicker.

Do you perhaps see any path forward into somehow doing like a midway check and removing what was already "written" for what doesn't meet that salary cap so I can get more combinations ran?

Basically out of the 967,680 combinations ran. Only 1,380 combos were printed, but the written to array or whatnot still overcaps the max allowed. Only thing I can think of is to have another array made that takes what the added salary is for that row, and after a certain iteration remove what is over salary range from the current written array. I'm not even sure if that's possible. Regardless, I appreciate the help you have provided and certainly happy with the results!

Here is the current code with your code include:
VBA Code:
Public CalcState As Long
Public EventState As Boolean
Public PageBreakState As Boolean

Sub OptimizeCode_Begin()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

EventState = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False

CalcState = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xCalculationManual

PageBreakState = ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False

End Sub

Sub OptimizeCode_End()

ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = PageBreakState
Application.Calculation = CalcState
Application.EnableEvents = EventState
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sub NameCombos()
    Dim lLastColumn As Long
    Dim lLastUsedColumn As Long
    Dim aryNames As Variant
    Dim lColumnIndex As Long
    Dim lWriteRow As Long
    Dim bCarry As Boolean
    Dim lWriteColumn As Long
    Dim rngWrite As Range
    Dim lFirstWriteColumn As Long
    Dim lLastWriteColumn As Long
    Dim oFound As Object
    Dim lRefColumn As Long
    Dim lInUseRow As Long
    Dim lCarryColumn As Long
    Dim lPrint As Long
    Dim lLastIteration As Long
    Dim lIterationCount As Long
    Dim sErrorMsg As String
    Dim bShowError As Boolean
    Dim lLastRow As Long
    Dim lLastRowDeDuped As Long
    Dim aryDeDupe As Variant
    Dim WorksheetArray      As Variant
    Dim NoDupeRowArray()    As Variant
    Dim wksData As Worksheet
    Dim lngLastRow As Long

    Dim sName As String
    Dim bDupeName As Boolean
    Dim oSD As Object
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim varK As Variant, varI As Variant, varTemp As Variant, lIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex2 As Long
    Dim rngSortRange As Range
    Dim dteStart As Date
    Dim sOutput As String
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lFirstHTeamCol As Long
    Dim lLastHTeamCol As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lLastSalaryRow As Long
    Dim rngReplace As Range
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim bFoundSalary As Boolean
    Dim sMissingSalary As String
    Dim names As Worksheet

    Call OptimizeCode_Begin
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet")
    Set names = Sheets("Salary")
    'Check for salary worksheet
    For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If wks.Name = "Salary" Then bFoundSalary = True
    If Not bFoundSalary Then
        MsgBox "The workbook must contain a worksheet named 'Salary' with data starting in row 2 " & _
            "that consists of column B containing each name in the name/column layout worksheet " & _
            "and column C containing their salary."
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    'Make sure each name has a corresponding salary entry
    'Initialize the scripting dictionary
    Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    'Inventory names on the main worksheet
    For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0)
        rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
        If rngCell.Value <> vbNullString Then
            oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) = oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) + 1
        End If
    'Remove names on the Salary worksheet
    With Worksheets("Salary")
        For Each rngCell In .Range("B2:B" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row)
            rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
            If oSD.exists(rngCell.Value) Then
                oSD.Remove rngCell.Value
            End If
    End With
    'Any names not accounted for?
    If oSD.Count <> 0 Then
        varK = oSD.keys
        For lIndex = LBound(varK) To UBound(varK)
            sMissingSalary = sMissingSalary & ", " & varK(lIndex)
        sMissingSalary = Mid(sMissingSalary, 3)
        sOutput = "The following names on the main worksheet do not have a corresponding entry on the 'Salary' worksheet." & vbLf & vbLf & _
        MsgBox sOutput
        Debug.Print sOutput
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    sErrorMsg = "Ensure a Worksheet is active with a header row starting in A1" & _
        "and names under each header entry."
    If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then
        bShowError = True
    End If
    If bShowError Then
        MsgBox sErrorMsg, , "Problems Found in Data"
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    lLastColumn = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
    lLastUsedColumn = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    ReDim aryNames(1 To 2, 1 To lLastColumn)    '1 holds the in-use entry row
    'How many combinations? (Order does not matter)
    lLastIteration = 1
    For lColumnIndex = 1 To lLastColumn
        aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) = 2
        aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) = Cells(Rows.Count, lColumnIndex).End(xlUp).Row
        lLastIteration = lLastIteration * (aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) - 1)
    lRefColumn = lLastColumn + 1
    lFirstWriteColumn = lLastColumn + 2
    lLastWriteColumn = (2 * lLastColumn) + 1
    Select Case MsgBox("Process a " & lLastColumn & " column table with " & _
        lLastIteration & " possible combinations?" & vbLf & vbLf & _
        "WARNING: Columns right of the input range will be erased before continuing.", vbOKCancel + vbCritical + _
        vbDefaultButton2, "Process table?")
    Case vbCancel
        GoTo End_Sub
    End Select
    dteStart = Now()
    'Clear all columns right of input range
    If lLastUsedColumn > lLastColumn Then
        Range(Cells(1, lLastColumn + 1), Cells(1, lLastUsedColumn)).EntireColumn.ClearContents
    End If
' Save Worksheet data into 2D 1 based WorksheetArray
    WorksheetArray = wksData.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, lLastColumn).Address, "$")(1) & wksData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row)
    ReDim NoDupeRowArray(1 To lLastIteration, 1 To lLastColumn + 1)
    Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = "ComboID"
    'Add Output Header
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, lLastColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn)
    'Start checking combinations
    lWriteRow = 2
    For lIterationCount = 1 To lLastIteration
        'Reset the Dupe Name flag
        bDupeName = False
        'Check Active Combo for Dupe Names
        'Initialize the scripting dictionary
        Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        'Load names into scripting dictionary
        For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
''            sName = Cells(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex), lColumnIndex).Value
            sName = WorksheetArray(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) - 1, lColumnIndex)  'I2,H2...A2 I3,H2...A2 I4,H2...A2 I2,H3,G2...A2
            oSD.Item(sName) = oSD.Item(sName) + 1
        'If there are names, and at least one duplicate, set the bDupeName flag
        If oSD.Count > 0 Then
            varK = oSD.keys
            varI = oSD.Items
            For lIndex = 1 To oSD.Count
                If varI(lIndex - 1) > 1 Then
                    bDupeName = True: Exit For
                End If
        End If
       If Not bDupeName Then
            'The current row had names and no duplicates
            'Print Active Combo to the lWriteRow row
            For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
                lWriteColumn = lColumnIndex + lLastColumn + 2
''                Set rngWrite = Range(Cells(lWriteRow, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lWriteRow, lLastWriteColumn))               '  ... This variable is never used so it is not needed
''                Cells(lWriteRow, lRefColumn + lColumnIndex).Value = Cells(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex), lColumnIndex).Value
                NoDupeRowArray(lWriteRow - 1, lRefColumn + lColumnIndex - lLastColumn - 1) = WorksheetArray(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) - 1, lColumnIndex)
            'Uncomment next row to see the lIterationCount for the printed row
''            Cells(lWriteRow, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = lIterationCount
            NoDupeRowArray(lWriteRow - 1, lLastColumn + 1) = lIterationCount
            'Point to the next blank row
            lWriteRow = lWriteRow + 1
        End If
        'Increment Counters
        'Whether the line had duplicates or not, move to the next name in the
        '  rightmost column, if it was ag the last name, go to the first name in that column and
        '  move the name in the column to the left down to the next name (recursive check if THAT
        '  column was already using the last name for remaining columns to the left)
        aryNames(1, lLastColumn) = aryNames(1, lLastColumn) + 1
        If aryNames(1, lLastColumn) > aryNames(2, lLastColumn) Then
            bCarry = True
            lCarryColumn = lLastColumn
            Do While bCarry = True And lCarryColumn > 0
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = 2
                bCarry = False
                lCarryColumn = lCarryColumn - 1
                If lCarryColumn = 0 Then Exit Do
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) + 1
                If aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) > aryNames(2, lCarryColumn) Then bCarry = True
        End If
        'Check counter values (for debug)
'        Debug.Print lWriteRow,
'        For lPrint = 1 To lLastColumn
'            Debug.Print aryNames(1, lPrint) & ", ";
'        Next
'        Debug.Print
     wksData.Cells(2, lWriteColumn - 1).Resize(UBound(NoDupeRowArray, 1), UBound(NoDupeRowArray, 2)) = NoDupeRowArray
    Application.StatusBar = "Sorting"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Copy row names to right so that each copied row can be sorted alphabetically left to right
    '  this will allow the Excel remove duplicate fuction to remove rows that have identical names
    '  in all of their sorted columns.
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 2) ''SALARY
    lFirstHSortColumn = lLastWriteColumn + 2
    lLastHSortColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn + 1) ''PROJECTION
    lFirstHSortColumn2 = lLastHSortColumn + 1
    lLastHSortColumn2 = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn2 + 1) ''TEAM
    lFirstHTeamCol = lLastHSortColumn2 + 1
    lLastHTeamCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
       'Assumes the 'Salary' worksheet has names in the column A and salaries in column B starting in row 2
    'Replace HSort names with salary
    With Worksheets("Salary") '''' SALARY
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn))
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 3).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
     lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     'Add Sum Column
   Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 1).Value = ChrW(931) & " Salary"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 1), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 1))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn & ")"
        .Value = .Value
        End With
        With Range("AV2", Range("AV" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@>60000,0,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@<58000,1,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "AV2:AV" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AV" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=38, Criteria1:=Array("0", "1")
    Range("K2:AV" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AV" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=38
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If


 lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn2), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn2))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 4).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''Add Projection Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 2).Value = ChrW(931) & " Projection"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 2), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 2))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn2 & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn2 & ")"
        .Value = .Value
         ActiveSheet.Range("$K$1:$AX$1048576").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=39, Header:= _
    End With
    ''Add Value Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 3).Value = ChrW(931) & " Value"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 3), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 3))
        .Formula2R1C1 = "=(RC[-1]/RC[-2])*1000"
        .Value = .Value
     End With
       With Range("AX2", Range("AX" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@<1.65,0,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "AX2:AX" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AX" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=40, Criteria1:="0"
    Range("K2:AX" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AX" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=40
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHTeamCol), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHTeamCol))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 5).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''Add Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 4).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 4), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 4))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=INDEX(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",MODE(MATCH(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",0)))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 5).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 5), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 5))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-13]:RC[-4]=RC[-1],R1C[-13]:R1C[-4],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 6).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 6), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 6))
        .Formula2R1C1 = "=IFERROR(INDEX(RC[-14]:RC[-5],MODE(IF((RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>"""")*(RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>INDEX(RC[-14]:RC[-5],MODE(IF(RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>"""",MATCH(RC[-14]:RC[-5],RC[-14]:RC[-5],0))))),MATCH(RC[-14]:RC[-5],RC[-14]:RC[-5],0)))),"""")"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 7).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2 POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 7), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 7))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-14]:RC[-4]=RC[-1],R1C[-14]:R1C[-4],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    'Filter 0-1
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 8).Value = ChrW(931) & " Filter"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 8), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 8))
    End With
    'Player 1 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 9).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player1"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 9), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 9))
    End With
    'Player 2 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 10).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 10), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 10))
    End With
    'Sort each row
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastRow
        Set rngSortRange = Range(Cells(lRowIndex, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lRowIndex, lLastHSortColumn))
        ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=rngSortRange, _
            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        With ActiveSheet.Sort
            .SetRange rngSortRange
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlLeftToRight
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    'Check for duplicate rows in HSort Columns
    '  Can only happen if names are duplicated within an input column
    '  Build aryDeDupe  -- Array(1, 2, 3,...n)  -- to exclude iteration # column

    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim aryDeDupe(0 To lLastHSortColumn - lFirstHSortColumn)
    lIndex = 0
    For lColumnIndex = lFirstHSortColumn To lLastHSortColumn
        aryDeDupe(lIndex) = CInt(lColumnIndex - lFirstWriteColumn + 1)
        lIndex = lIndex + 1
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn).CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=(aryDeDupe), Header:=xlYes
    'Above line won't work unless there are parens around the Columns argument ?????
    'Remove Salary Columns
    Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol)).EntireColumn.Delete

    sOutput = lLastIteration & vbTab & " possible combinations" & vbLf & _
        Format(Now() - dteStart, "hh:mm:ss") & " to process."
    MsgBox sOutput, , "Output Report"
    Debug.Print sOutput
        Call OptimizeCode_End
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Upvote 0
I see you have made some changes to the original code so I will have to see what your changes do.

Is the most recent code you posted the best that you have come up with as far as combining my suggestions with what you have come up with to produce the fastest results?

We will get to the # of results allowed after the script is running as fast as we can make it, That shouldn't be a major problem. We can always check the # of results in an array and if it reaches a certain amount, spit out the results & reset the array for more results to spit out later.

I am curious which code to look at at this point, is it the most recent code you posted or the original code with my suggestions? Please explain any potential problems with either approach.
Upvote 0
"Is the most recent code you posted the best that you have come up with as far as combining my suggestions with what you have come up with to produce the fastest results?"

Yes, the most recent code is what I have come up with your suggestions included. There are a few things changed.

-The status bar count was removed
-A Value calculation was added after the projection column(therefore all columns after shift one more to the right), which is the projection total/salary total * 1000
-After the total salary is calculated, Salaries over 60000 are replaced with 0 and salaries under 58000 are replaced with 0. Salary is then sorted smallest to largest, then filtered to 0 and deleted.
-After the value calculation is calculated, values less than 1.65 are replaced with 0, and then sorted smallest to largest. Then column is filtered to 0 and deleted.
-Sorting the combination names and deleting duplicates becomes the very last task. I assumed in doing it last would eliminate the amount of rows needing to be sorted as most of everything else has been deleted.
Upvote 0
Again, your most recent code does not work for me, so I will continue plugging away with the previous version.

After some sleep, I will tackle the 'Salary' sheet & reduce that down to only the names in the worksheet.
Upvote 0
With the most recent code, the names need to be in column B on the salary sheet, salary in column C, projection in column D, and team in column E. I didn't attach the new salary sheet as it may cause confusion. I was using unique and vstack to pull names from the Worksheet. However the macro can't read names that are spilled, so I then have the same names listed both in Column A and B. With column A using the unique function and B pulling the names from col A.. regardless none of that is necessary as long as the names are in column B. I'm not sure why the code isn't working for you though. I'll reattach some test data just incase you want to try again tomorrow. Thanks for the reply.
Upvote 0
I had an error in the last code I posted, so if you try again to run it, use all this information including the code. It takes approx.. 3 min 58 seconds to run what is in the xl2bb. (Don't minimize or anything while processing). Keep in mind DoEvents is off, so you won't see anything until it is completed.

I added just a couple more things, which is just another helper column that goes to column BA. It counts the amount of commas in column AZ cells to determine how many players are on a team. It then deletes all rows with more than 4 players per team. The helper column is then deleted.
- 2 more filters were added that remove rows if two running backs (RB's) are on the same team. This checks the Stack Pos column and Stack2 Pos Column.

Thanks for your help!

2Jalen HurtsJonathan TaylorJonathan TaylorA.J. BrownSamori ToureA.J. BrownPat FreiermuthJonathan TaylorIndianapolis Colts
3Najee HarrisNajee HarrisMichael Pittman Jr.Ashton DulinMichael Pittman Jr.Robert TonyanNajee Harris
4Aaron JonesAaron JonesDeVonta SmithSammy WatkinsDeVonta SmithJack StollAaron Jones
5Miles SandersMiles SandersAllen LazardZach PascalAllen LazardMo Alie-CoxMiles Sanders
6AJ DillonSteven Sims Jr.Diontae JohnsonAJ Dillon
7Deon JacksonQuez WatkinsGeorge PickensDeVonta Smith
8Kenneth GainwellRandall CobbZach PascalAllen Lazard
9Boston ScottAlec PierceSammy WatkinsChristian Watson
10Benny Snell Jr.Christian WatsonAshton Dulin
11Parris Campbell

2A.J. Brown830015.12PHI
3Aaron Jones740014.78GB
4AJ Dillon59006.63GB
5Alec Pierce55005.22IND
6Allen Lazard630010.61GB
7Ashton Dulin45001.69IND
8Benny Snell Jr.46002.56PIT
9Boston Scott51002.36PHI
10Christian Watson65009.93GB
11Deon Jackson51004.42IND
12DeVonta Smith67009.98PHI
13Diontae Johnson61007.87PIT
14George Pickens660010.65PIT
15Indianapolis Colts40006.2IND
16Jack Stoll44002.18PHI
17Jalen Hurts880021.88PHI
18Jonathan Taylor880014.52IND
19Kenneth Gainwell52002.34PHI
20Michael Pittman Jr.70009.71IND
21Miles Sanders700011.52PHI
22Mo Alie-Cox45002.62IND
23Najee Harris720011.39PIT
24Parris Campbell60008.39IND
25Pat Freiermuth58009.35PIT
26Quez Watkins55005.58PHI
27Randall Cobb53007.35GB
28Robert Tonyan49005.23GB
29Sammy Watkins50005.47GB
30Samori Toure47001.48GB
31Steven Sims Jr.50002.99PIT
32Zach Pascal52002PHI

VBA Code:
Public CalcState As Long
Public EventState As Boolean
Public PageBreakState As Boolean

Sub OptimizeCode_Begin()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

EventState = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False

CalcState = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xCalculationManual

PageBreakState = ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False

End Sub

Sub OptimizeCode_End()

ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = PageBreakState
Application.Calculation = CalcState
Application.EnableEvents = EventState
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sub NameCombos()
    Dim lLastColumn As Long
    Dim lLastUsedColumn As Long
    Dim aryNames As Variant
    Dim lColumnIndex As Long
    Dim lWriteRow As Long
    Dim bCarry As Boolean
    Dim lWriteColumn As Long
    Dim lFirstWriteColumn As Long
    Dim lLastWriteColumn As Long
    Dim oFound As Object
    Dim lRefColumn As Long
    Dim lInUseRow As Long
    Dim lCarryColumn As Long
    Dim lPrint As Long
    Dim lLastIteration As Long
    Dim lIterationCount As Long
    Dim sErrorMsg As String
    Dim bShowError As Boolean
    Dim lLastRow As Long
    Dim lLastRowDeDuped As Long
    Dim aryDeDupe As Variant
    Dim WorksheetArray      As Variant
    Dim NoDupeRowArray()    As Variant
    Dim n As Long
    Dim wksData As Worksheet
    Dim rngDataBlock As Range
    Dim lngLastRow As Long, lngLastCol As Long
    Dim rngToDelete As Range

    Dim sName As String
    Dim bDupeName As Boolean
    Dim oSD As Object
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim varK As Variant, varI As Variant, varTemp As Variant, lIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex As Long
    Dim lRowIndex2 As Long
    Dim rngSortRange As Range
    Dim dteStart As Date
    Dim sOutput As String
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lFirstHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lFirstHTeamCol As Long
    Dim lLastHTeamCol As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn As Long
    Dim lLastHSortColumn2 As Long
    Dim lLastSalaryRow As Long
    Dim rngReplace As Range
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim bFoundSalary As Boolean
    Dim sMissingSalary As String
    Dim names As Worksheet

    Call OptimizeCode_Begin
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet")
    Set names = Sheets("Salary")
    'Check for salary worksheet
    For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If wks.Name = "Salary" Then bFoundSalary = True
    If Not bFoundSalary Then
        MsgBox "The workbook must contain a worksheet named 'Salary' with data starting in row 2 " & _
            "that consists of column B containing each name in the name/column layout worksheet " & _
            "and column C containing their salary."
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    'Make sure each name has a corresponding salary entry
    'Initialize the scripting dictionary
    Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    'Inventory names on the main worksheet
    For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0)
        rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
        If rngCell.Value <> vbNullString Then
            oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) = oSD.Item(rngCell.Value) + 1
        End If
    'Remove names on the Salary worksheet
    With Worksheets("Salary")
        For Each rngCell In .Range("B2:B32")
            rngCell.Value = Trim(rngCell.Value)
            If oSD.exists(rngCell.Value) Then
                oSD.Remove rngCell.Value
            End If
    End With
    'Any names not accounted for?
    If oSD.Count <> 0 Then
        varK = oSD.keys
        For lIndex = LBound(varK) To UBound(varK)
            sMissingSalary = sMissingSalary & ", " & varK(lIndex)
        sMissingSalary = Mid(sMissingSalary, 3)
        sOutput = "The following names on the main worksheet do not have a corresponding entry on the 'Salary' worksheet." & vbLf & vbLf & _
        MsgBox sOutput
        Debug.Print sOutput
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    sErrorMsg = "Ensure a Worksheet is active with a header row starting in A1" & _
        "and names under each header entry."
    If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then
        bShowError = True
    End If
    If bShowError Then
        MsgBox sErrorMsg, , "Problems Found in Data"
        GoTo End_Sub
    End If
    lLastColumn = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
    lLastUsedColumn = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    ReDim aryNames(1 To 2, 1 To lLastColumn)    '1 holds the in-use entry row
    'How many combinations? (Order does not matter)
    lLastIteration = 1
    For lColumnIndex = 1 To lLastColumn
        aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) = 2
        aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) = Cells(Rows.Count, lColumnIndex).End(xlUp).Row
        lLastIteration = lLastIteration * (aryNames(2, lColumnIndex) - 1)
    lRefColumn = lLastColumn + 1
    lFirstWriteColumn = lLastColumn + 2
    lLastWriteColumn = (2 * lLastColumn) + 1
    Select Case MsgBox("Process a " & lLastColumn & " column table with " & _
        lLastIteration & " possible combinations?" & vbLf & vbLf & _
        "WARNING: Columns right of the input range will be erased before continuing.", vbOKCancel + vbCritical + _
        vbDefaultButton2, "Process table?")
    Case vbCancel
        GoTo End_Sub
    End Select
    dteStart = Now()
    'Clear all columns right of input range
    If lLastUsedColumn > lLastColumn Then
        Range(Cells(1, lLastColumn + 1), Cells(1, lLastUsedColumn)).EntireColumn.ClearContents
    End If
' Save Worksheet data into 2D 1 based WorksheetArray
    WorksheetArray = wksData.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, lLastColumn).Address, "$")(1) & wksData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row)
    ReDim NoDupeRowArray(1 To lLastIteration, 1 To lLastColumn + 1)
    Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 1).Value = "ComboID"
    'Add Output Header
    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, lLastColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn)
    'Start checking combinations
    lWriteRow = 2
    For lIterationCount = 1 To lLastIteration
        'Reset the Dupe Name flag
        bDupeName = False
        'Check Active Combo for Dupe Names
        'Initialize the scripting dictionary
        Set oSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        oSD.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        'Load names into scripting dictionary
        For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
''            sName = Cells(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex), lColumnIndex).Value
            sName = WorksheetArray(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) - 1, lColumnIndex)  'I2,H2...A2 I3,H2...A2 I4,H2...A2 I2,H3,G2...A2
            oSD.Item(sName) = oSD.Item(sName) + 1
        'If there are names, and at least one duplicate, set the bDupeName flag
        If oSD.Count > 0 Then
            varK = oSD.keys
            varI = oSD.Items
            For lIndex = 1 To oSD.Count
                If varI(lIndex - 1) > 1 Then
                    bDupeName = True: Exit For
                End If
        End If
       If Not bDupeName Then
            'The current row had names and no duplicates
            'Print Active Combo to the lWriteRow row
            For lColumnIndex = lLastColumn To 1 Step -1
                lWriteColumn = lColumnIndex + lLastColumn + 2
                NoDupeRowArray(lWriteRow - 1, lRefColumn + lColumnIndex - lLastColumn - 1) = WorksheetArray(aryNames(1, lColumnIndex) - 1, lColumnIndex)
            'Uncomment next row to see the lIterationCount for the printed row
            NoDupeRowArray(lWriteRow - 1, lLastColumn + 1) = lIterationCount
            'Point to the next blank row
            lWriteRow = lWriteRow + 1
        End If
        'Increment Counters
        'Whether the line had duplicates or not, move to the next name in the
        '  rightmost column, if it was ag the last name, go to the first name in that column and
        '  move the name in the column to the left down to the next name (recursive check if THAT
        '  column was already using the last name for remaining columns to the left)
        aryNames(1, lLastColumn) = aryNames(1, lLastColumn) + 1
        If aryNames(1, lLastColumn) > aryNames(2, lLastColumn) Then
            bCarry = True
            lCarryColumn = lLastColumn
            Do While bCarry = True And lCarryColumn > 0
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = 2
                bCarry = False
                lCarryColumn = lCarryColumn - 1
                If lCarryColumn = 0 Then Exit Do
                aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) = aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) + 1
                If aryNames(1, lCarryColumn) > aryNames(2, lCarryColumn) Then bCarry = True
        End If
        'Check counter values (for debug)
'        Debug.Print lWriteRow,
'        For lPrint = 1 To lLastColumn
'            Debug.Print aryNames(1, lPrint) & ", ";
'        Next
'        Debug.Print
     wksData.Cells(2, lWriteColumn - 1).Resize(UBound(NoDupeRowArray, 1), UBound(NoDupeRowArray, 2)) = NoDupeRowArray
    Application.StatusBar = "Sorting"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Copy row names to right so that each copied row can be sorted alphabetically left to right
    '  this will allow the Excel remove duplicate fuction to remove rows that have identical names
    '  in all of their sorted columns.
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastWriteColumn + 2) ''SALARY
    lFirstHSortColumn = lLastWriteColumn + 2
    lLastHSortColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn + 1) ''PROJECTION
    lFirstHSortColumn2 = lLastHSortColumn + 1
    lLastHSortColumn2 = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Range(Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastWriteColumn)).Copy Destination:=Cells(1, lLastHSortColumn2 + 1) ''TEAM
    lFirstHTeamCol = lLastHSortColumn2 + 1
    lLastHTeamCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
       'Assumes the 'Salary' worksheet has names in the column A and salaries in column B starting in row 2
    'Replace HSort names with salary
    With Worksheets("Salary") '''' SALARY
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn))
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex, 3).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
     lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     'Add Sum Column
   Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 1).Value = ChrW(931) & " Salary"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 1), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 1))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn & ")"
        .Value = .Value
        End With
        With Range("AV2", Range("AV" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@>60000,0,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@<58000,1,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "AV2:AV" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AV" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=38, Criteria1:=Array("0", "1")
    Range("K2:AV" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AV" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=38
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If


 lLastRowDeDuped = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn2), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHSortColumn2))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 4).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''Add Projection Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 2).Value = ChrW(931) & " Projection"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 2), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 2))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC" & lFirstHSortColumn2 & ":RC" & lLastHSortColumn2 & ")"
        .Value = .Value
         ActiveSheet.Range("$K$1:$AX$1048576").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=39, Header:= _
    End With
    ''Add Value Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 3).Value = ChrW(931) & " Value"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 3), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 3))
        .Formula2R1C1 = "=(RC[-1]/RC[-2])*1000"
        .Value = .Value
     End With
       With Range("AX2", Range("AX" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@<1.65,0,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "AX2:AX" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AX" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=40, Criteria1:="0"
    Range("K2:AX" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AX" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=40
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

     With Worksheets("Salary")
        lLastSalaryRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    Set rngReplace = Range(Cells(2, lFirstHTeamCol), Cells(lLastRow, lLastHTeamCol))
    For lRowIndex2 = 2 To lLastSalaryRow
        rngReplace.Replace What:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 2).Value, _
            Replacement:=Worksheets("Salary").Cells(lRowIndex2, 5).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''Add Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 4).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 4), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 4))
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=INDEX(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",MODE(MATCH(RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",RC" & lFirstHTeamCol & ":RC" & lLastHTeamCol & ",0)))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 5).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 5), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 5))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-13]:RC[-4]=RC[-1],R1C[-13]:R1C[-4],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''How many on team?? Remove Stacks with more than 4 players from same team
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 6).Value = ChrW(931) & " Commas"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 6), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 6))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=LEN(TRIM(RC[-1]))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(RC[-1]),"","",""""))+1"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
      With Range("BA2", Range("BA" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        .Value = Evaluate(Replace("if(@>4,0,if(@="""","""",@))", "@", .Address))
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "BA2:BA" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:BA" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=43, Criteria1:="0"
    Range("K2:BA" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:BA" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=43
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
     ''Removes rows with two running backs from the primary team stack
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "AZ2:AZ" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AZ" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=42, Criteria1:="=*RB1*", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="=*RB2*"
    Range("K2:AZ" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:AZ" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=42
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Column
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 6).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 6), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 6))
     .Formula2R1C1 = "=IFERROR(INDEX(RC[-14]:RC[-5],MODE(IF((RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>"""")*(RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>INDEX(RC[-14]:RC[-5],MODE(IF(RC[-14]:RC[-5]<>"""",MATCH(RC[-14]:RC[-5],RC[-14]:RC[-5],0))))),MATCH(RC[-14]:RC[-5],RC[-14]:RC[-5],0)))),"""")"
    .Value = .Value
    End With
    ''Add 2nd Team Stack Pos
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 7).Value = ChrW(931) & " Stack2 POS"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 7), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 7))
    .Formula2R1C1 = "=TEXTJOIN("","",1,IF(RC[-16]:RC[-7]=RC[-1],R1C[-16]:R1C[-7],""""))"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
     ''Removes rows with two running backs from the secondary team stack
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
        "BB2:BB" & lLastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
         With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Sort
        .SetRange Range("K2:BE" & lLastRow)
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    With wksData
        .Range("A2:I26").Cut names.Range("G2")
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
      End With
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:BB" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=44, Criteria1:="=*RB1*", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="=*RB2*"
    Range("K2:BB" & lLastRow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveSheet.Range("K1:BB" & lLastRow).AutoFilter Field:=44
       With names
    .Range("G2:O26").Cut wksData.Range("A2")
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
    'Filter 0-1
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 8).Value = ChrW(931) & " Filter"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 8), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 8))
    End With
    'Player 1 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 9).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player1"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 9), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 9))
    End With
    'Player 2 Filter
    Cells(1, lLastHTeamCol + 10).Value = ChrW(931) & " Player2"
    With Range(Cells(2, lLastHTeamCol + 10), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol + 10))
    End With
    'Sort each row
    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    For lRowIndex = 2 To lLastRow
        Set rngSortRange = Range(Cells(lRowIndex, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lRowIndex, lLastHSortColumn))
        ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=rngSortRange, _
            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        With ActiveSheet.Sort
            .SetRange rngSortRange
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlLeftToRight
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    'Check for duplicate rows in HSort Columns
    '  Can only happen if names are duplicated within an input column
    '  Build aryDeDupe  -- Array(1, 2, 3,...n)  -- to exclude iteration # column

    lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, lFirstWriteColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim aryDeDupe(0 To lLastHSortColumn - lFirstHSortColumn)
    lIndex = 0
    For lColumnIndex = lFirstHSortColumn To lLastHSortColumn
        aryDeDupe(lIndex) = CInt(lColumnIndex - lFirstWriteColumn + 1)
        lIndex = lIndex + 1
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, lFirstWriteColumn).CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=(aryDeDupe), Header:=xlYes
    'Above line won't work unless there are parens around the Columns argument ?????
    'Remove Salary Columns
    Range(Cells(2, lFirstHSortColumn), Cells(lLastRowDeDuped, lLastHTeamCol)).EntireColumn.Delete

    sOutput = lLastIteration & vbTab & " possible combinations" & vbLf & _
        Format(Now() - dteStart, "hh:mm:ss") & " to process."
    MsgBox sOutput, , "Output Report"
    Debug.Print sOutput
        Call OptimizeCode_End
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub


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