I'm using an excel sheet for tracking new sales of insurance policies. I add a new line for each client, by product type, the sum of premium they will pay, I manually calculate the initial commission due and renewal commission due. But I want to reduce the manual calculations/errors of the commissions by introducing a Vlookup table outlining the different product type and commission rates. Theres about 20 different policies/commission rates initial / renewal and some depend on the age of the client. If the client has less than 10 years to termination of the policy the commission is reduced. I've attempted to create the vlookup but its not working for me.
Does anyone have any tips on how I could make it work or other functions i could use, would reduce hours and hours of work for us! hope someone can help.
Does anyone have any tips on how I could make it work or other functions i could use, would reduce hours and hours of work for us! hope someone can help.