I have my Macros working well but need to make it paste a formula in the active cell. I've looked at several posts but have only become more confused. Still a newbie - I've mastered copy/paste and slight tweaks but this is confounding me.
My formula to include is: =IF(LEFT($I6,2)="17","CTRL+G","")
Here is my macros:
Thanks in advance for your help.

My formula to include is: =IF(LEFT($I6,2)="17","CTRL+G","")
Here is my macros:
Sub MoveSession06_CTRL_g()'' MoveSession06_CTRL_g Macro'' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+g'Range(ActiveCell.Offset(1, -30), ActiveCell.Offset(1, -25)).ActivateSelection.CopyActiveCell.Offset(-1, 30).SelectActiveSheet.PasteActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).SelectSelection.EntireRow.DeleteActiveCell.Offset(-1, 6).Select
---> I need the formula to go here <-----
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your help.