So in cell G2 i have the formula of "=text(today(),"yyyy")"
in Cell H2 i have the formula of "=text(today(),"m")"
In cell D2 i have a countif of Column A
In cell C2 i have the formula of "=IF($H$2>D2,$G$2+1,$G$2)"
so what i am trying to get in cell C2 is if d2 is lower than h2 put g2+1 if not put g2 then drag it down
i think i have it in the forumla above but i recon its something to do with text.
Any ideas?
So in cell G2 i have the formula of "=text(today(),"yyyy")"
in Cell H2 i have the formula of "=text(today(),"m")"
In cell D2 i have a countif of Column A
In cell C2 i have the formula of "=IF($H$2>D2,$G$2+1,$G$2)"
so what i am trying to get in cell C2 is if d2 is lower than h2 put g2+1 if not put g2 then drag it down
i think i have it in the forumla above but i recon its something to do with text.
Any ideas?