As we all know, Excel is not a secure environment by any means. If you want application security you need to step up to Access at a minimum , if not mySQL. So if you need to share a workbook with others, but don't want to give them rights to see the whole workbook, how do you hide certain data, yet still have access to it yourself.
There are tons of password hacks out there, so forget Excel Protection. And Hiding sheets is too easy to get around. You need to hide and lock down the hide.
1. create a workbook with two worksheets
2. create secret data table on sheet(2)
3. rename sheet(2) to a difficult to guess name (I'll use difficult!)
4. insert a combo box built from control toolbox on sheet(1) and give it the code from below(change parameters where needed)
5. in VBA, make difficult! xlVeryHidden
6. now password protect the VBA project
Users of the file now have read and lookup access to part of your data while you still hide the other part. The same could be done for data input using a textbox. Just make sure that you do not reference the name of the secret worksheet anywhere that is visible to the user.
Disclaimer: There is one work around that could be used to compromise this method, but as far as I can see, this is as good as it gets.
There are tons of password hacks out there, so forget Excel Protection. And Hiding sheets is too easy to get around. You need to hide and lock down the hide.
1. create a workbook with two worksheets
2. create secret data table on sheet(2)
3. rename sheet(2) to a difficult to guess name (I'll use difficult!)
4. insert a combo box built from control toolbox on sheet(1) and give it the code from below(change parameters where needed)
5. in VBA, make difficult! xlVeryHidden
6. now password protect the VBA project
Users of the file now have read and lookup access to part of your data while you still hide the other part. The same could be done for data input using a textbox. Just make sure that you do not reference the name of the secret worksheet anywhere that is visible to the user.
Disclaimer: There is one work around that could be used to compromise this method, but as far as I can see, this is as good as it gets.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim lkupval As String
Dim tblarray As Variant
Dim rslt As String
On Error GoTo errorhandler
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SET THE FOLLOWING FOUR PARAMATERS ACCORDING TO YOUR SHEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lkupval = Sheets(1).Range("AA1")
tblarray = Sheets(2).Range("A1:D4")
lkupval2 = "AA1"
rslt = "F4"
If lkupval = "" Then
Sheets(1).Range(rslt) = ""
ComboBox1.Value = ""
Exit Sub
End If
Cells(4, 6) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lkupval, tblarray, 3, False)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please Choose from the drop down list"
ComboBox1.Value = ""
Sheets(1).Range(lkupval2).Value = ""
End Sub