Help! Inexperienced with Excel.
Need Excel 2007 formula(s) to convert longitude/latitude coordinates such as "N48-38-46.5" and "E088-19-14.4" into Degrees Minutes decimal format.
All longitudes are N, and all latitudes E. Long/lat have separate columns.
The N's and E's are followed by one space; I need those N's, E's, and spaces gone. All longitudes (all E) have a zero placemarker after E, which I assume needs to go, too.
Thank you!
Need Excel 2007 formula(s) to convert longitude/latitude coordinates such as "N48-38-46.5" and "E088-19-14.4" into Degrees Minutes decimal format.
All longitudes are N, and all latitudes E. Long/lat have separate columns.
The N's and E's are followed by one space; I need those N's, E's, and spaces gone. All longitudes (all E) have a zero placemarker after E, which I assume needs to go, too.
Thank you!