If you would not mind explaining ...
OK, but I'm going to change layout and formulas a bit. I think this may be closer to what you want.
First the 'Data' sheet, with data copy/pasted here from your calendar export. I've changed you data a bit so we have a few entries for May, including a couple on the same day. Note that my dates in column B are in d/mm/yy format.
Copy the formulas down as far as you might ever need. Once you get this working (or even now) you can hide these columns so the "Jan-1900" values where there is no data on the left won't be a problem.
Excel Workbook |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K |
1 | Subject | StartDate | StartTime | EndTime | Description | Location | | | | | |
2 | Meeting | 1/04/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | Tinkerbell Pre-School Fundraiser | Office | | | | Apr-2011 | Apr-2011|1 |
3 | Tour | 2/05/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | GP Little League Assoc Sign-ups | Office | | | | May-2011 | May-2011|1 |
4 | Meeting | 3/04/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | Tinkerbell Pre-School Fundraiser | Office | | | | Apr-2011 | Apr-2011|2 |
5 | Tour | 4/05/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | GP Little League Assoc Sign-ups | Office | | | | May-2011 | May-2011|2 |
6 | Meeting | 4/05/11 | 4:00 PM | 4:30 PM | Tinkerbell Pre-School Fundraiser | Office | | | | May-2011 | May-2011|3 |
7 | | | | | | | | | | Jan-1900 | Jan-1900|1 |
The formula in J2 takes the date in B2, removes the day from the date and returns a text value for month and year.
The Formula in K2 makes a progressive count of each of the month values in column J.
So the "May-2011|2" in cell K5 is telling us that this row is the second May-2011 row so far.
Now the 'May' sheet.
I've changed the layout here too.
A1 is a stand-alone formula.
A2 contains a 0, manually entered.
A3 formula copied down as far as you might ever need.
Once you get this working (or even now) you can hide column A.
B1 is a stand-alone
formula (
not a date)
B2:G2 are headings copied/pasted from the 'Data' sheet.
Formula in B3 is copied across to G3. After doing this copy the formatting of the time columns (and possibly the date column) may not be correct. If that is the case, either format the cells manually to the correct format or you could use the format painter to copy the formatting from a row in the 'Data' sheet.
Once you have the formatting correct, select B3:G3 and copy these formulas down to the same row you copied the column A formulas to.
Excel Workbook |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
1 | 3 | May-2011 | | | | | |
2 | 0 | Subject | StartDate | StartTime | EndTime | Description | Location |
3 | 1 | Tour | 2/05/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | GP Little League Assoc Sign-ups | Office |
4 | 2 | Tour | 4/05/11 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM | GP Little League Assoc Sign-ups | Office |
5 | 3 | Meeting | 4/05/11 | 4:00 PM | 4:30 PM | Tinkerbell Pre-School Fundraiser | Office |
6 | | | | | | | |
Formula in B1: Simply gets a
text entry for the month/year into that cell.
Formula in A1: Looks at column J in the 'Data' sheet and counts how many entries match the value in cell B1 of this sheet. In this case, how many "May-2011" values there are (3).
Formula in A3 (copied down): Numbers the rows until the value in cell A1 is reached.
Formula in B3:
=IF($A3="","", ..
If nothing in A3 then we don't need anything in this column. But there is something in A3 so ..
$B$1&"|"&$A3 = May-2011|1
MATCH($B$1&"|"&$A3,Data!$K$1:$K$1000,0) becomes
This means look in column K of 'Data' and find what row "May-2011|1" is on. Result is row '3'.
INDEX(Data!A$1:A$1000,MATCH($B$1&"|"&$A3,Data!$K$1:$K$1000,0)) becomes
This means return the value from row 3 of column A in 'Data'
Result is 'Tour'
As this formula is copied across it returns values from different columns of the 'Data' sheet.
Hope all that makes some sense.