Hello All 
I have a spreadsheet I use to pay our employees on a 4-weekly basis. We also include a production bonus, which we're modifying to a performance based one. My head is a little pickled!...
I have a cell with a "Bonus Pot" for the month - this is the ££ figure I have to share across everyone.
I have a list of employees with a performance rating for the week, represented with a value (these need to be reviewed, but are currently things like 0.5, 1, 1.1, ....)
I have a cell with the bonus value per hour worked (the full weekly pot divided up by the total hours worked of all employees)
Let's give a quick scenario....
The total bonus payed out should add up to the weekly pot value. I can't seem to work out how to calculate this - am I being stupid??

I have a spreadsheet I use to pay our employees on a 4-weekly basis. We also include a production bonus, which we're modifying to a performance based one. My head is a little pickled!...
I have a cell with a "Bonus Pot" for the month - this is the ££ figure I have to share across everyone.
I have a list of employees with a performance rating for the week, represented with a value (these need to be reviewed, but are currently things like 0.5, 1, 1.1, ....)
I have a cell with the bonus value per hour worked (the full weekly pot divided up by the total hours worked of all employees)
Let's give a quick scenario....
Weekly Pot Value = £1,000.00
Employee 1 - Worked 40 hrs - Performance Value 1
Employee 2 - Worked 40 hrs - Performance Value 0
Employee 3 - Worked 40 hrs - Performance Value 0.5
Employee 4 - Worked 20 hrs - Performance Value 1
Employee 5 - Worked 40 hrs - Performance Value 1
Employee 1 worked a full week.
Employee 2 earns nil bonus for the week.
Employee 3 was only rated 0.5 for their performance. Their bonus figure should reflect this.
Employee 4 worked only half a week, so their bonus value should reflect that.
Employee 5 worked a full week.
The total bonus payed out should add up to the weekly pot value. I can't seem to work out how to calculate this - am I being stupid??