We use Excel to track appointments for a podcast.
I'd like to create a conditional formula that highlights a cell in red if the date of publication of the podcast is before the person records an interview.
The sheet is divided into two areas. The top of the sheet shows us when each episode airs and the name of the guest. The columns are as follows:
Guest Name: A2 to A106
Date for when the episode airs: B2 to B106
The bottom of the sheet is when we book the actual podcast interview. The columns are as follows:
Date of interview: A114 to A217
Name of guest: B114 to B217
The formatting would do the following:
1. For the name in cell A2 AND the date in cell B2 find the same name in cells B114 to B217
2. Compare the date in cell B2 with the date for the same name in A114 to A217
3. If the date in cell B2 is AFTER the date in cells A116 to A217 than nothing happens
4. If the date in cell B2 is BEFIRE the date in cells A116 to A217 than the cell turns red
Thanks for your help!
I'd like to create a conditional formula that highlights a cell in red if the date of publication of the podcast is before the person records an interview.
The sheet is divided into two areas. The top of the sheet shows us when each episode airs and the name of the guest. The columns are as follows:
Guest Name: A2 to A106
Date for when the episode airs: B2 to B106
The bottom of the sheet is when we book the actual podcast interview. The columns are as follows:
Date of interview: A114 to A217
Name of guest: B114 to B217
The formatting would do the following:
1. For the name in cell A2 AND the date in cell B2 find the same name in cells B114 to B217
2. Compare the date in cell B2 with the date for the same name in A114 to A217
3. If the date in cell B2 is AFTER the date in cells A116 to A217 than nothing happens
4. If the date in cell B2 is BEFIRE the date in cells A116 to A217 than the cell turns red
Thanks for your help!