I'm trying to take large amounts of data in a single column over many rows and sift out the data I need into labeled columns on a single rows.
I've taken screen shots of what I'm trying to accomplish.
'Store column headings in an array
ColumnHeading = Array("", "", "", "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")
'Format Column Headings with values from array
For ColIndex = 4 To UBound(ColumnHeading)
Cells(1, ColIndex).Value = ColumnHeading(ColIndex)
Next ColIndex
'Scan through Column A, if column contains "E-mail Address", copy e-mail address into "E-mail address Column
Dim CopiedValue As Variant
For RowIndex = 3 To totalRows
Const firstColumn As Integer = 1
If Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*University*" Then
'Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Dental Hygiene *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 5).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Phone: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 6).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Email Address: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 7).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Web Site: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 8).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Certificate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 9).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Associate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 10).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Baccalaureate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 11).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
End If
Next RowIndex
1) Before I run the code, I have large amounts of data in a single column:
2) The code scans through column 1 looking for data that matches column types, then places them in the correct columns:
3) This is what it SHOULD be doing... each time the code reaches a new college, it should place it in the next row
Any suggestions? thanks!
I'm trying to take large amounts of data in a single column over many rows and sift out the data I need into labeled columns on a single rows.
I've taken screen shots of what I'm trying to accomplish.
'Store column headings in an array
ColumnHeading = Array("", "", "", "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")
'Format Column Headings with values from array
For ColIndex = 4 To UBound(ColumnHeading)
Cells(1, ColIndex).Value = ColumnHeading(ColIndex)
Next ColIndex
'Scan through Column A, if column contains "E-mail Address", copy e-mail address into "E-mail address Column
Dim CopiedValue As Variant
For RowIndex = 3 To totalRows
Const firstColumn As Integer = 1
If Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*University*" Then
'Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Dental Hygiene *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 5).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Phone: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 6).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Email Address: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 7).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Web Site: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 8).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Certificate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 9).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Associate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 10).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Baccalaureate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 11).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
End If
Next RowIndex
1) Before I run the code, I have large amounts of data in a single column:
2) The code scans through column 1 looking for data that matches column types, then places them in the correct columns:
3) This is what it SHOULD be doing... each time the code reaches a new college, it should place it in the next row
Any suggestions? thanks!
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