Thankyou again for your reply.
I understand your reasoning, sorry i didnt even think about risks for you from opening unknow files. I have answered all of your questions below.
I have added another snip if the table as I have changed some of the fields (all info below matches the table)
Thankyou in advance for any help you can offer.
I would like to know the below details in a effort to help you:
1.What is the name of the worksheet with the table.
Worksheet name: "Database"
2. What is the name of the Table
Table name "Jobs"
3. You said:
Required", "Booked" and "complete
Is it really complete or is it Complete
-see below for exact details. This is the first of 8 tasks. I would assume if you can guide me for this first solution I will be able to copy and paste and then update corresponding names and cell locations?
G8 "DOORS" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into required, order & received dates)
Z8 "DOORS REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AF8 "DOORS ORDER DATE" (Date to be entered)
AG8 "DOORS DATE RECEIVED" (Date to be entered)
This is neede when writing Vba scripts
Now the fill colors.
Vba Green and Red are easily defined
But you will have to provide the exact RGB color to specify Grey
It needs to look like this:
RGB(34,46,65) or something like that.
You cannot say VbGrey
RGB (128,128,128)
And then you mentioned 8 more columns
I need to know all the column Names
There are 8 more tasks with similar input and output required as per below.
I assume I could use the solution for the task "DOORS" and duplicate and edit to match the tasks below?
H8 "HARDWARE" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into required, order & received dates)
AH8 "HW REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AI8 "HW ORDER DATE" (Date to be entered)
AJ8 "HW DATE RECEIVED" (Date to be entered)
I8 "BOARD" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into required, order & received dates)
AK8 "BOARD REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AL8 "BOARD ORDER DATE" (Date to be entered)
AM8 "BOARD DATE RECEIVED" (Date to be entered)
J8 "BT" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into required, order & received dates)
AN8 "BT REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AP8 "BT ORDER DATE" (Date to be entered)
AQ8 "BT DATE RECEIVED" (Date to be entered)
K8 "CM" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into required, booked & complete dates)
AR8 "CM REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AS8 "CM DATE BOOKED" (Date to be entered)
AT8 "CM DATE COMPLETE" (Date to be entered)
(Cell to change colour automatically based on data entered into production drawings complete field,
If Cell A8 "JOB NAME" contains text then cell L8 = YELLOW.
AU8 "PRODUCTION DRAWINGS COMPLETE" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
M8 "TRADES BOOKED" (Cell to change colour automatically based on required and booked data)
AV8 "TRADES REQUIRED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AW8 "REQ TRADES BOOKED" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
N8 "INSTALL BOOKED" (Cell to change colour automatically based on data yes/no and date entered
AX8 "INSTALL REQ" (drop down list "YES" & "NO" Options)
AY8 "INSTALL DATE" (Date to be entered)
Be sure and capitalize exactly
All capitalized for simplicity
And you said:
I then have 8 columns in the table that I would like to indicate the status of each task by changing the fill coulour.
And how do you plan to change the fill color?
For a script to run automatically you need to perform some specific action
Like if you enter r in that cell the cell color would change
Ok the plan is as follows...
A new job is created by entering client and job details in relevant fields.
Once a job name is entered into cell AB "JOB NAME" all 'status' cells G8 - N8 will turn red with the exception of L8 "PRODUCTION DRAWINGS" which will turn yellow as this task is required for every job.
For each task the following will occur
The 'status' cell will then turn from red to GREY if a "NO" is entered into the '(task) req' field indicating the task is not required for the job - (status is greyed out)
The 'status cell' will then turn from red to yellow once a date has been entered into the 'ordered' or 'booked' field for each task as appropriate - indicating the task is underway but not complete
The 'status cell' will then turn green once a date has been entered into the 'received' or 'complete' field for the relevant task.
So if you can answer these questions I may be able to help you