Option Explicit
'This code was developed by Andrew Fergus on 18 October 2006
'and finally modified on December 11th 2006 after much procrastination
'in response to this question on MrExcel:
Public Sub SolvePuzzle()
Dim Answers(8) As Integer, _
Values(9, 2) As Integer, _
Finished(4) As Boolean, _
Outcome(4) As Integer, _
OuterLoop As Integer, _
InnerLoop As Integer, _
Loop1 As Integer, _
Loop2 As Integer, _
Loop3 As Integer, _
Loop4 As Integer, _
LoopLimit As Integer, _
RowCounter As Integer, _
TempVar1 As Integer, _
TempVar2 As Double
'Values variable:
' holds the values 0 through 9
' dimension 0 is used to hold the value
' dimension 1 is used to hold the used value (where 1 = used, 0 = unused)
' dimension 2 holds how many times this value is used as a factor
'Initialise variables
'Get the 5 starting values
Outcome(0) = Range("C3").Value
Outcome(1) = Range("C2").Value
Outcome(2) = Range("D3").Value
Outcome(3) = Range("C4").Value
Outcome(4) = Range("B3").Value
'Clear the target area
'Set the headings
Range("G1") = "BDFH Possibles"
'Set the array starting values
For Loop1 = 0 To 9
Values(Loop1, 0) = Loop1 'the value
Values(Loop1, 1) = 0 'not used
Values(Loop1, 2) = 0 'no factors (yet)
'Set initial answers to zero
For Loop1 = 0 To 8
Answers(Loop1) = 0
If Outcome(0) = 0 Then
'There is not a unique answer
MsgBox "The middle value cannot be zero. Please try other numbers", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Outcome(0) = 6 Then
'BDFH is the minima (0,1,2,3)
Range("G2") = 0
Range("H2") = 1
Range("I2") = 2
Range("J2") = 3
LoopLimit = 2
ElseIf Outcome(0) = 30 Then
'BDFH is the maxima (6,7,8,9)
Range("G2") = 6
Range("H2") = 7
Range("I2") = 8
Range("J2") = 9
LoopLimit = 2
'Find the possible combinations of values for positions BDFH
LoopLimit = GetBDFH(Outcome(0))
End If
'Get all possible factors for the other 4 outcomes
For OuterLoop = 1 To 4
If Outcome(OuterLoop) = 0 Then
For Loop1 = 0 To 9
Values(Loop1, 2) = Values(Loop1, 2) + 1
For Loop1 = 1 To 9
If Outcome(OuterLoop) Mod Loop1 = 0 Then
Values(Loop1, 2) = Values(Loop1, 2) + 1
End If
End If
'Remove the BDFH combinations that include non-existent factors
'and seek instances where there are two products that equal zero
For Loop1 = 0 To 9
If Values(Loop1, 2) = 0 Then
'This digit is not used
For Loop2 = 2 To LoopLimit
If Range("G" & Loop2).Value = Loop1 _
Or Range("H" & Loop2).Value = Loop1 _
Or Range("I" & Loop2).Value = Loop1 _
Or Range("J" & Loop2).Value = Loop1 Then
'Delete this row of BDFH possibles - it cannot be used
Range("G" & Loop2 & ":J" & Loop2).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
'But we need to retest the row that now occupies the row deleted
LoopLimit = LoopLimit - 1
Loop2 = Loop2 - 1
End If
If Loop1 = 0 Then
If Values(0, 2) > 1 Then
MsgBox "There is more than one result. Try other numbers", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
For OuterLoop = 2 To LoopLimit
'Loop through all combinations of BDFH
'Get the starting values around Outcome(0)
Answers(2) = Range("G" & OuterLoop).Value
Answers(4) = Range("H" & OuterLoop).Value
Answers(6) = Range("I" & OuterLoop).Value
Answers(8) = Range("J" & OuterLoop).Value
For Loop2 = 1 To 4
'Loop through the 4 corner values (around BDFH)
If Loop2 > 1 Then
'Rotate the values around Outcome(0)
Answers(0) = Answers(8)
For Loop1 = 8 To 2 Step -2
Answers(Loop1) = Answers(Loop1 - 2)
End If
For Loop3 = 1 To 6
If Loop3 > 1 Then
'Rotate the last 3 values around Outcome(0), but fix the lowest value
Select Case Loop2
Case 1
If Loop3 Mod 2 = 0 Then
'Mod and case used to decide which pair of digits to swap
Answers(0) = Answers(8)
Answers(8) = Answers(6)
Answers(6) = Answers(0)
Answers(0) = Answers(6)
Answers(6) = Answers(4)
Answers(4) = Answers(0)
End If
Case 2
If Loop3 Mod 2 = 0 Then
Answers(0) = Answers(8)
Answers(8) = Answers(6)
Answers(6) = Answers(0)
Answers(0) = Answers(6)
Answers(6) = Answers(2)
Answers(2) = Answers(0)
End If
Case 3
If Loop3 Mod 2 = 0 Then
Answers(0) = Answers(8)
Answers(8) = Answers(4)
Answers(4) = Answers(0)
Answers(0) = Answers(4)
Answers(4) = Answers(2)
Answers(2) = Answers(0)
End If
Case Else
If Loop3 Mod 2 = 0 Then
Answers(0) = Answers(6)
Answers(6) = Answers(4)
Answers(4) = Answers(0)
Answers(0) = Answers(4)
Answers(4) = Answers(2)
Answers(2) = Answers(0)
End If
End Select
End If
'Reset variables
For Loop1 = 0 To 9
Values(Loop1, 1) = 0
For Loop1 = 1 To 4
Values(Answers(Loop1 * 2), 1) = 1
Answers(1) = 0
Answers(3) = 0
Answers(5) = 0
Answers(7) = 0
For Loop1 = 1 To 4
Finished(Loop1) = False
'Set the 4 product values
'Check the first outcome
If Outcome(1) = 0 Then
TempVar2 = 0
'Calculate the factor
TempVar2 = Outcome(1) / (Answers(2) * Answers(8))
End If
If TempVar2 < 10 And Int(TempVar2) = TempVar2 Then
'This is a possible factor (integer < 9)
If Values(TempVar2, 1) = 0 Then
'This value has not been used yet
Values(TempVar2, 1) = 1
Answers(1) = TempVar2
Finished(1) = True
'This value has already been used
Finished(1) = False
'No point testing the other 3 products
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
'This is not a valid factor
Finished(1) = False
'No point testing the other 3 products
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
'Check 2nd outcome
If Outcome(2) = 0 Then
TempVar2 = 0
TempVar2 = Outcome(2) / (Answers(2) * Answers(4))
End If
If TempVar2 < 10 And Int(TempVar2) = TempVar2 Then
If Values(TempVar2, 1) = 0 Then
Values(TempVar2, 1) = 1
Answers(3) = TempVar2
Finished(2) = True
Finished(2) = False
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
Finished(2) = False
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
'Check 3rd outcome
If Outcome(3) = 0 Then
TempVar2 = 0
TempVar2 = Outcome(3) / (Answers(4) * Answers(6))
End If
If TempVar2 < 10 And Int(TempVar2) = TempVar2 Then
If Values(TempVar2, 1) = 0 Then
Values(TempVar2, 1) = 1
Answers(5) = TempVar2
Finished(3) = True
Finished(3) = False
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
Finished(3) = False
GoTo Skip_To_Here
End If
'Check 4th outcome
If Outcome(4) = 0 Then
TempVar2 = 0
TempVar2 = Outcome(4) / (Answers(6) * Answers(8))
End If
If TempVar2 < 10 And Int(TempVar2) = TempVar2 Then
If Values(TempVar2, 1) = 0 Then
Values(TempVar2, 1) = 1
Answers(7) = TempVar2
Finished(4) = True
Finished(4) = False
End If
Finished(4) = False
End If
If Finished(1) = True And Finished(2) = True And Finished(3) = True And Finished(4) = True Then
GoTo JumpOut 'Yes I know this is sloppy but hey it works!
End If
'If the code has ended up here it has looped through every combination
MsgBox "Answer not found"
Range("C1").Value = "?"
Range("D2").Value = "?"
Range("E3").Value = "?"
Range("D4").Value = "?"
Range("C5").Value = "?"
Range("B4").Value = "?"
Range("A3").Value = "?"
Range("B2").Value = "?"
Exit Sub
'If a combination is found then the loop jumps out to here
'Display the answers
Range("C1").Value = Answers(1)
Range("D2").Value = Answers(2)
Range("E3").Value = Answers(3)
Range("D4").Value = Answers(4)
Range("C5").Value = Answers(5)
Range("B4").Value = Answers(6)
Range("A3").Value = Answers(7)
Range("B2").Value = Answers(8)
MsgBox "Finished", vbInformation, "Done"
End Sub
Private Function GetBDFH(Outcome As Integer) As Integer
Dim RowCounter As Integer, _
Loop1 As Integer, _
Loop2 As Integer, _
Loop3 As Integer, _
Loop4 As Integer
RowCounter = 2
For Loop1 = 1 To 5
For Loop2 = (Loop1 + 1) To 6
For Loop3 = (Loop2 + 1) To 7
For Loop4 = (Loop3 + 1) To 9
If Loop1 + Loop2 + Loop3 + Loop4 = Outcome Then
Range("G" & RowCounter) = Loop1
Range("H" & RowCounter) = Loop2
Range("I" & RowCounter) = Loop3
Range("J" & RowCounter) = Loop4
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
End If
GetBDFH = RowCounter - 1
End Function